pray for gay marraige law to fail

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Well-Known Member
its totally WRONG and disgusting. Keep that shit behind closed doors where it belongs. oh wait... it doesn't belong!!!!!
they've done studies about people like you, ya know.

they evaluate people with attitudes like yours versus people with the opposite attitudes. then they show them straight porn and gay porn.

people like you popped boners at the gay porn every time.

basically, an attitude like yours is undeniably a symptom of closeted homosexual desires that you repress or are unaware of.

so that makes me LOL a bit.


Well-Known Member
The breakdown of the Family is destroying the Moral fiber of our Country, and Gay Marriage is part of this diabolical equation. The future will reveal the "Fruits" of sowing this unnatural seed, where children will grow up more confused than they've ever been (Daddy? Mommy? WTF!!!!!!!!!). Social Media is also feeding this Monster of deception by allowing people to become "Whatever they want", by hiding behind Avatars and Profile Pictures. People better wake up before the sexual appetite of this World goes completely out of control.
guarantee you'd pop a boner if you watched gay porn. science doesn't lie.


Well-Known Member
nope, i simply believe with or without the bible. gay marriage is wrong. homophobia has to deal with being afraid of. thats where phobia comes from a fear of. ive had gay friends my view still stands .
Are you afraid of your gay friends?

This has nothing to do with bigotry or having a simple mind, and everything to do with understanding Nature and the structure of Family. Do you condone Child Molestation? How about Rape? Polygamy?
I'm sure most gay people do not condone molestation (of any kind), rape, and/or polygamy.



Well-Known Member
This has nothing to do with bigotry or having a simple mind, and everything to do with understanding Nature and the structure of Family. Do you condone Child Molestation? How about Rape? Polygamy?
pedophilia is not a normal variation of human sexuality, homosexuality is.

remember, homosexuality occurs in every species we know of, bigotry like you display is only found in humans.

and you're definitely harboring some latent homosexual desires, too. get in touch with those and you'll feel better, bro.


Well-Known Member
...this doesnt mean they dont get to have the same though , they have every right to make a promise to each other thats just as valid , my only bugbear is that it cant be a marriage in the traditional sense and it should be called something else , a civil partnership is a start but this could be bettered
so how about we give the gays marriage, and then you get the marriage*, which we will call civil partnership.

will that work for you? why or why not?


Well-Known Member
i dont like gay marriage. me not getting married has nothing to do with it just stating threw the time i have tried ive had this issue thrown in my face, but marriage is between man and women. and it was legal once in cali.ONCE. pray for it to fail because gay marriage is wrong. you can not procreate with your sex which makes it unnatural. you dont see male buds making male or female buds.
Marriage - Merriam-Webster Online
a (1) : the state of being united to a person of the opposite sex as husband or wife in a consensual and contractual relationship recognized by law
Nobody likes you, bigot. Die in a fire.

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
how can you even compare rape to homosexual marriage? gay marriages are between two consenting adults, and last time i checked the definition of rape, consenting is the last thing it is.. same thing with polygamy.. it might not be my cup of tea, but at least it's between multiple consenting adults..

and silvraven mentioned that gay people shouldn't be able to get married because it's not natural and they can't have kids.. first of all, i didn't realize that getting married was the way you have kids, i always thought that was a sperm and egg thing and not a marriage thing.. secondly, what about hetero sexuals who marry but maybe sterile? they're never going to have kids either, but does that mean they shouldn't be married as a result of being sterile?? just curious..
Have you ever done research or studied what happens in Polygamy camps? Do that, then come back here with what you find.

Do you remember what happened in the Catholic Church? Men with men produced vile corruption and rape.

Whenever the sexual gauge of Society bends in the wrong direction, an identity crisis begins, while the hearts of people lose the ability to comprehend right and wrong. Just look at the last 30 years of this Country: every statistic that once held the Family in high standard, has fallen.

I've been married for over 30 years and I'm broken hearted over the demise of the Family. I have adult children who have really struggled to find good mates in this very confused and uncertain climate of moral change.


Well-Known Member
Have you ever done research or studied what happens in Polygamy camps? Do that, then come back here with what you find.

Do you remember what happened in the Catholic Church? Men with men produced vile corruption and rape.

Whenever the sexual gauge of Society bends in the wrong direction, an identity crisis begins, while the hearts of people lose the ability to comprehend right and wrong. Just look at the last 30 years of this Country: every statistic that once held the Family in high standard, has fallen.

I've been married for over 30 years and I'm broken hearted over the demise of the Family. I have adult children who have really struggled to find good mates in this very confused and uncertain climate of moral change.
so gays can't get married because your priest fucks little boys?

and over the last 30 years, women have gained the ability to escape abusive relationships. is this a bad thing too in your eyes?


Well-Known Member
Have you ever done research or studied what happens in Polygamy camps? Do that, then come back here with what you find.

Whenever the sexual gauge of Society bends in the wrong direction, an identity crisis begins, while the hearts of people lose the ability to comprehend right and wrong. Just look at the last 30 years of this Country: every statistic that once held the Family in high standard, has fallen.
Dunno with the polygamy, there are documentaries on mormons who moved to mexico after it was outlawed here who got along just fine in a family environment. (Google romney family mexico for starters)

As far as the rest, are you saying you would be gay if not for the social pressures against it? As in the more acceptable it becomes, the more likely you'd convert?


bud bootlegger
Have you ever done research or studied what happens in Polygamy camps? Do that, then come back here with what you find.

Do you remember what happened in the Catholic Church? Men with men produced vile corruption and rape.

Whenever the sexual gauge of Society bends in the wrong direction, an identity crisis begins, while the hearts of people lose the ability to comprehend right and wrong. Just look at the last 30 years of this Country: every statistic that once held the Family in high standard, has fallen.

I've been married for over 30 years and I'm broken hearted over the demise of the Family. I have adult children who have really struggled to find good mates in this very confused and uncertain climate of moral change.
maybe you missed the part when i didn't defend polygamy but rather said it's a far cry from being raped.. and just because a few sick polygamists may do some crazy stuff, i'm not going to say the entire thought was wrong.. married men and women do all sorts of sick shit, is it because they're married or is it because they're sick in the head? should i give up on marriages because a few of them like to rape small children or should i be pissed at the few sick people in this world..


bud bootlegger
and who the eff cares if two men or two women want to get married? it affects my life exactly how? i still have to get up and go to work every day and make a living, and at the end of the day i can come home and close my door and still be with whom ever i chose..
at the end of the day, two dudes or two chics being married has zero results on my life, other then knowing that two more people have found someone in this world to love, and who loves them, and whom they want to spend the rest of their lives with.. you yourself just said how hard this is in today's age, no?


Well-Known Member
I'm more concerned about Abortion laws.. you know, something that ACTUALLY matters.

that my wife be treated with autonomy and respect is important. not to mention it seems like a bad idea to have the government monitor every single pregnancy in america.

you make a good point.


bud bootlegger
why because you dont want to foot the bill for your child. let your curse be back on you for your murdering heart. if you even have one.
how is killing a few cells murder? it's not like you're putting a knife in a living breathing thing.. take those cells out of it's host and see how long it lives on it's own.. that's not really the definition of a life imvho..

Guitar Man

Well-Known Member
Dunno with the polygamy, there are documentaries on mormons who moved to mexico after it was outlawed here who got along just fine in a family environment. (Google romney family mexico for starters)

As far as the rest, are you saying you would be gay if not for the social pressures against it? As in the more acceptable it becomes, the more likely you'd convert?
It's obvious you don't know what goes on in Polygamy camps. Here's a link with testimonies of rape, child molestation, confusion, children who didn't know who their father was, and the truth about sexual deviance in these camps.
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