ppm too high out of tap


Hi - I'm new to this site, new to growing hydroponically as well. We are trying to set up a new grow box setup. Our tap water comes out at 524 ppm tds. When we add recommended amount of nutrients it is at 930 ppm tds. Do I just let it set and the tds will drop or should I be using a different source of water? PH doesn't need much tweaking at all.


New Member
i would get a r o unit if i where you anything over 400 unless its well water is going to be full of shit


Well-Known Member
I don't have a home r/o filter, so I go to those .25 h2o machines.
It reads 16 ppm when I test it. Works fine.


Active Member
Hi - I'm new to this site, new to growing hydroponically as well. We are trying to set up a new grow box setup. Our tap water comes out at 524 ppm tds. When we add recommended amount of nutrients it is at 930 ppm tds. Do I just let it set and the tds will drop or should I be using a different source of water? PH doesn't need much tweaking at all.

just go to the grocery store and pick up the cheap 1 gallon jugs.


New Member
i used 5 gallons just to flush a plant lol i don't want to be walking to the store everytime i need to water , just get a portable ro machine there 50 bucks , well worth saving the gas money it takes to go get that water each time , if your looking at doing this for a while .


Well-Known Member
i used 5 gallons just to flush a plant lol i don't want to be walking to the store everytime i need to water , just get a portable ro machine there 50 bucks , well worth saving the gas money it takes to go get that water each time , if your looking at doing this for a while .
Actually bleu has a good idea.
decent r/o filter systems run 2-300 bucks.
a quarter a gallon isn't bad.
If you can't afford to drive a couple blocks to buy water
once a week, you need to re-think your priorities.

zz, I've seen tons of posts by you lately.
i also noticed the info you give out, is guess work at best.
are you a misinformation agent?
Like a website gremlin? Trying to mess people up?
just asking, but dude, it seems like your just trying to get your
post count up.


Well-Known Member
You don't need to flush with filtered water zz.
just letting you know for when you actually get to the end of a grow.


Well-Known Member
I would be interested to see what is in your water for such a high ppm count. Sounds like drinking a glass of that stuff would be like eating multi-mineral vitamin.


Well-Known Member
Jeez, do you have to chew your water? Something doesn't sound right to me. My water is on the hard side so I use 5 gallon bottles and fill them up at my girlfriends house. I don't really like packing them in and out of the house though so I'm thinking either give my tap a shot or start mixing 50/50 her water with mine. I'm all about stealth.


Well-Known Member
When I started out, I used tap water. Then I got a ppm meter. So I started using distilled until I realised that the expense would add up (It's $2 for 4 litres here) Now, every time it rains, I collect 100 litres or so. I just add calmag.