PPM raises again. this time magically!


Well-Known Member
sorry I am posting again, but I flushed my 12 gallon system today. Before the PPM was 1040! I pumped all the water out today.

I usually run the water through a brita filter to lower the PPM to a reasonable 300 but its been so high I figured Ide just try to lower it by flushing it...didnt work.

I got around 12 gallons from the bathtub which read around 310PPM. Then into the same pump that I used to remove the 1040PPM (I did use different buckets thought!). The thing is that the pump and the hose is very small so even if a small bit of 1080PPM got stuck to the inside and came out, it wouldnt saturate 12 gallons of 300PPm.

I pumped it all back through and measured everything at around 470 in the res and 400 in the buckets. Five minutes later it ALL measured 1040 - 1150 PPM in the buckets.

It must be a non plant chemical in the sense that it wont kill the plants because its clear and the plants look ok (as of now).

I bought the 2 and one half buckets at home depot. I was thinking, would heavy concentrates of ph down remove any type of chemical that they use when making the buckets, rubbermaid tubs, or the quarter inch diameter tubings I use?

should i continue to flush over and over again or am I just wasting large amounts of water?