PPM Question....Please Help!


Active Member
I have had my clones in veg for about 2 weeks. The time I got them they were all between 4"-6" tall and now they are all between 9"-12" tall. This is my first grow but it seems that they are growing a little on the slow side. Does that seem too slow or is it a normal growth rate?

In the beginning I had put the 3/4 strength nutrients and then in the second week changed the reservoir and put about full strength. Half way through the second week I flushed them with just ph water for a couple of days then added more nutrients back at 550 ppm because I started having problems so I figured the ppm was just too high. Not really sure if they were getting nute burn or nutrient lockout. Also my PH keeps rising everytime the plants get watered. I will set the PH at around 5.6-5.8 and it jumps up to 6.5-6.8 everytime. Its really frustrating and I don't know what the fuck is going on. I just put fresh ph water in the reservoir again to try and start over. When it was at 550 ppm It seemed that it went up a little everyday. So I assume that it wasn't drinking the nutrients due to constant fluctuation in ph or just too much nutrients. Someone please help. Should I be putting full strength nutrients or just a mild nutrient strength? This is my set up:

Strain: Hindu Kush x Skunk #1
4 1000w HPS
24 plants 9"-12" tall
Ebb n Grow bucket system
Temp. 78 - 85 degrees
Advanced Nutrients Sensi Grow 2 part

Also, how tall should they be when I put them into flower to get a decent yield??



Well-Known Member
You can flower those now if you want....But I'd get that ph issue straight first. Not sure if the nutes themselves are causing the ph to rise so fast or not. I use GH 3 part and have no ph issues. Im also using pretty much the same setup with my bucket.

Its possible your media is causing it. I know you said you just flushed....But if it happens again and you flush....make sure to flush ph'd water thru your hydroton as well. Flushing from the top will remove build up in the grow medium.

What are you using for ph adjustment? And you are taking your 1st ph reading after all nutes are mixed right? Not before.

Does the ph rise in the res...or in the individual plant buckets? If the ph is ok in the main res....its more than likely the grow media.

Other than that....Im at a loss as to why the ph jumps so much after feeding.

As for nutes....less is more. Especially until you find out whats going on.

"kill them..maybe" - What the hell kinda help is that?


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I use an grow ab as well, but honestly I think it's the clay pebbles that bring it up a point. I had the same issue. 24 hour period 1 point rise :( If I was you I'd bring it down to 5.3 that way it'll rise to about 6.2 and you are within your range. You can also adjust it twice a day if you feel better about that.

Did you rinse your pebbles before use?

Good luck,


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I use an grow ab as well, but honestly I think it's the clay pebbles that bring it up a point. I had the same issue. 24 hour period 1 point rise :( If I was you I'd bring it down to 5.3 that way it'll rise to about 6.2 and you are within your range. You can also adjust it twice a day if you feel better about that.

Did you rinse your pebbles before use?

Good luck,
Great advice....That way you can work on flushing individual buckets while the others stay eating.


Active Member
Dude I had this very same issue. Check out the picture below, it is very similar your plants. This should help:

Looks like you got a Potassium problem due to your PH troubles
Potassium gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.0-4.5, 6.0-6.5. Potassium is absorbed best in Hydro and Soil less Mediums at ph levels of 4.7-5.3, 6.7-8.5

Best range for hydro and soil less mediums is 5.0 to 6.0. Anything out of the ranges listed will contribute to a potassium deficiency.

Fixing a Potassium deficiency
Any Chemical/Organic nutrients that have potassium in them will fix a potassium deficiency. Only mix at ½ strength when using chemical nutrients, or it will cause nutrient burn!

Also would recommend FOXFARM GROW BIG HYDROPONIC CONCENTRATE, which is fast absorption. (FFGB can bring your ph down as well) Earth Juice Meta-K, which is fast acting. (Can bring down your ph as well)

Leaves will never recover, but the plant will show recovery after about 4 to 5 days when using a fast acting nutrient.

Hope this helps!



Jeremiah Bindrum

Active Member
I've had some of the same issues with my Sour Diesels (MK-Ultra and Hog seem a bit hardier to this), one of the reasons I joined this forum. I was starting to think it may be the rockwool cubes my plants are rooted in in the clay pebbles. It looked like your babies were in rockwool as well then the pebbles. It is NOT my clay pebbles--I poured H2O through these and there was no change in pH. The clay pebbles have also been used repeatedly and thoroughly washed and H2O2ed after each grow. I do thoroughly presoak my cubes but it seems some are far more basic than others and take longer to stabilize.


Active Member
I don't believe its my clay pebbles that are causing the rise in PH. I poured 5.6 water over the top and it came out the same. Im using an ebb n grow multi bucket setup it. When the water drains back into the reservoir it leaves about 1.5" of water sitting in the bottom of the bucket. The water in the bottom of the bucket is what reads so high usually around 6.7. My reservoir usually takes a couple of days to jump up to that because I have a pretty good size one and atleast half of the water doesn't even leave the reservoir. I did notice that when I put an airstone in there yesterday it helped keep the ph more stable, only in the reservoir though. I gave them about 1000 ppm yesterday at it seems to drop by about 10 ppm every feeding. Does that mean they are getting enough food or does it mean that I need to add more? I also just foliar fed them some Liquid Light + Penetrator by Dutch Master so just waiting to see what that does. They are starting to look more green since I added more nutrients. I just need to get this PH thing straightened out before I flower. I plan on starting them on 12/12 in a few days.