PPM of Tap Water?


Active Member
the tap out of my drinking water was 185ppm and my shower water was 265 ppm i used my shower water on a hydro last year and had nutrient block out problems.........because my shower water contained too much lead or calcium (hard water) if i were you i would avoid tap and buy natural spring water.


Well-Known Member
Is it ok for tap water to be 370ppm? Depends on what you are using it for. You would want to adjust the ppm of your nute solution after you ph the water. And you will want to flush them out on a regular basis. More details, medium, system etc. might help. Pictures would be nice. Got any pictures, we like pictures. VV


Well-Known Member
Yeah, sorry about the pictures, and I will have them as soon as I can..But for now, I can only tell you what Im doing. I have an 18 Gallon Reservoir tub that Im using as a DWC reservoir, with 5 - 3" netpots placed a good bit apart in the lid. The netpots are filled with Silica Stone, and I've already transplanted my seedlings successfully from Vermiculite over to it a few days ago. They are growing fine. However..I am using an expensive mix of distilled water and nutrients. I want to use the tap water for reservoir water instead of having to spend like 20 bucks every 2-3 weeks on new water.


Well-Known Member
Use a carbon based water filter on your tap water thats what i do and my plants grow just fine:leaf:


Well-Known Member
I havent even got a tester dude,i dont bother with doing any of it,i just know that it will clean the hardness and some of the minerals and impurities from your water,i also always let my tap water breathe for 24 hours to evaporate the chlorine and allow the water to gather oxygen.
I am not the most technical of growers to say the least if you need more detailed info have a look through the faq:leaf:


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Tap water is usually from 100 -400 so your a little on the high side.Mine is at 250 and I use it stright then adjust my nutes.You can buy a 40 dollar like brita water filter you screw on to your facet and that will bring it down and take the extra chlorine out. They have them at home depot, wal mart, lowes, target pretty much evrywhere