PPM Meter?


Active Member
you can grow without one but they help you know what your plants are doing .i use a oakton meter but they are kinda pricey if price is an issue wish i could recommend another but have only used oakton they work great waterproof is a plus
No its definitely not crucial/ i dont use one and ive been running co2 for a month. the trick is too make sure you give your room enough time to air out before turning the co2 back on, simple as that. i have mine set to come on once every 2 hours, i noticed a huge difference as soon as i did. never using a ppm meter. you do have to be careful tho. to much and you'll suffocate those mugs. better to start low and slowly graduate the amount you put in the air. and oh ya, if at any time there is TOO MUCH co2 in your room? You'll know it. that shit will make you light headed as hell, not that that is a good thing by any means it almost made me pass out one time. so be careful.


Well-Known Member
No its definitely not crucial/ i dont use one and ive been running co2 for a month. the trick is too make sure you give your room enough time to air out before turning the co2 back on, simple as that. i have mine set to come on once every 2 hours, i noticed a huge difference as soon as i did. never using a ppm meter. you do have to be careful tho. to much and you'll suffocate those mugs. better to start low and slowly graduate the amount you put in the air. and oh ya, if at any time there is TOO MUCH co2 in your room? You'll know it. that shit will make you light headed as hell, not that that is a good thing by any means it almost made me pass out one time. so be careful.
I should have been more clear on what I meant to ask. I'm not using co2 but thanks for your input.

I'm wanting to know if I need one to check my nutrients or if I could get away without using one.

I'm currently getting all the equipment and supplies necessary for a DWC grow in a 3x3x8 grow room and was just wondering do I really need one.


I've always used one and can't imagine doing a res change without one. I have small 7 gal reservoirs and the slightest mistake in measuring sends my EC/ppm all over the place. I'd say get one and use it and remember to get some cal solution.
yes a dipstick ppm or ph meter is very crucial. you need to keep the PH of the water you use down below 7.5, anything above that is toxic. just get a basic dipstick ph meter. they are cheap on ebay and craigslist.


Well-Known Member
Okay cool, Another question will hard water clog up a drip system with deposits. I'm asking because I have hard water and my faucet screens and shower head get clogged up with white mineral deposits. I'm not sure if I should use it. I really don't like my water for drinking either. Since I moved here 3 1/2 years ago I've been getting my drinking water from the Culligan man. I got a water cooler with 5 gallon water bottles and I was considering using that instead. I checked the Culligan water with a PH strip and it's roughly between 6.3 and 6.8. I would rather use the tap water but I'm afraid it will clog up my system. I just bought a DWC system, that's 4 planters and a control tank with drip system.


Well-Known Member
Once the roots reach the water, you can ditch the drip feed...

Til then make sure you check for clogs...

Good Luck...:razz:


Well-Known Member
I have one of those... 2 years and counting...

Every time I check the calibration it is still SPOT ON!!!!

I say save and get the last meter you wil ever buy...:clap:


Well-Known Member
Yeah my tax check is coming in a cpl of weeks and I think I will buy one if that price holds out long enough for me to get it. This new grow closet is starting to get expensive. first it was the grow light 400 watt HPS/MH with switchable ballast. Then I got the DWC system. I wanted an ebb & flow but settled for the DWC. Then I got the 60 cfm blower. I've only spent 350 so far on my setup but it seems that there is always something to add to it. But I figure it's gonna pay for it's self the first grow. I was wanting to set up a veg room too but that will have to wait. I got a buddy that's got a set up with veg room and I'm just gonna get clones from him when I need them.


Well-Known Member
In all reality it takes about a grand to get a "proper" set up going..

I mean something that will give you 1 gram per watt...

And you are RIGHT... first harvest WILL pay for everything....

Best of Luck...:clap:


Well-Known Member
No problem... :razz:

And PLEASE do yourself a favor...

DO NOT try to do "organic hydro"...

Just stick to a basic non organic nute line... and get some H2O2...

That is all I use and I get GREAT results... check the links on my signature..:razz:

Simple is good...especially in the beginning...:clap:

Here is what I use...



Well-Known Member
Yeah I already bought some. I got this stuff it's not the high dollar stuff but I'm gonna give it a try.

By the way what are using that hydrogen peroxide for?


Well-Known Member
That's a complete hydro nute... you'll be fine...

The h2o2 is used to STERILIZE the res... no growies...

But it cannot be used with organics because it KILLS the growies.. even the good ones in the nutes...

I use it regularly and NEVER have problems...of any kind.. no algae.. no root rot.. no nothing... :razz:


Well-Known Member
From the GH website...

"FloraBloom, FloraGro, and FloraMicro are made from high quality refined minerals. This ensures high quality crop production, but prevents the crop from being considered "organic"."


So you could add 1ml/L of 50% H2O2 every 3 or 4 days... or 1.7 ml/L of the 35% H2O2 to your res and reap the benefits of growing cannabis without bacteria...:razz:

If you keep your pH in check... and your PPM in check.. and you use non organic nutes with H2O2... you will have a healthy res...

Also keep in mind that the bigger the res the more stable it becomes.... in temperature (warm water holds very little oxygen...res needs to be cool), pH and PPM... not to mention less topping off...

I use HUGE reservoirs.. and I do NOTHING but change and clean every 2 weeks...

I don't even add water...:razz: