ppm and nutes please


so I'm using fox farm trio, my concern is when I put it the recommended amt( about half) my ppm is running only like 300... my water is about 23 27 without the nutes. Should I be using more the guide says it should be around 1100-1200 or something like that. So I'm confused if ppm is more important then what it calls for. My plants are looking good but I was watering with around 800 a few days ago with a premixed batch i was just adding to until I ran out. So when I made a new batch is was very low in ppm. Sooo please help me im so confused20200817_162625.jpg20200817_162625.jpg



Well-Known Member
Yer kidding right

If yer using half strength the ppm would be like half, right?

What amounts do u use before, do that again then


I filled up a five gallon bucket and added 50% of nutes for fox farm trio for coco and (per gallon) and didn't check the ppm. But did after the next feeding everyweek would add a little more depending on the week. Now I'm out and doing about 75% and its still super low. Im just curious if ppm outweighs at along as its arpund what it needs


Well-Known Member
I never judge by ppm

I go by suggested amount on the schedules

Start lower, work up in strength. It takes time to see what yer girls need and are askingsoilenglish.jpg


Yeah i appreciate it thats the schedule I've been using. I guess they just want more lol. Thank u very much have a great day. Ill post back in a week and show these girls off. I'm gonna so recomended dose and see if ppm is higher