ppl using coke


Well-Known Member
I am just curious on how coke affects the body. If you were to go on a 2 week binge how bad would that be?

slurms mckenzie

Active Member
In my opinion coke isnt horrible on the body unless your doing it daily, weekly or even monthly, but personally i feel like crap after a 2 day binge, but those two days are fun.


Well-Known Member
ya i know the stuff is bad for you and its the devil but i got a friend whos gonna have some for a bit so i just wanna be sure im not gonna lose like 15 lbs in a week.


Well-Known Member
well my main reason for asking is cuz im have to quit weed and pass a drug test so i was gonna swap it for something that gets out of my system faster. Yes i know i shouldn't substitute but im going to. Whats the few drugs that do get out of our systems fast?

and the goal is to pass it by the end of the year (dec 31 no later) so im stopping with 45 days to clean up the weed


Well-Known Member
then start using something legal that isn't tested for. don't replace weed (benign) with the damned devil's dust.


Well-Known Member
don't go on a binge with any addictive substance.

2 week binge? are you fuckin serious? do you know how expensive a 2-wk coke binge is?

if i was gonna binge on anything for 2 wks it'd be pot (well pretty much already there) or opiates. i don't think anything else would be tolerable for more than a day or so.

after 2 wks of opiates i'd be ready for w/d's and addiction however.

i dont know why i'm suggesting this, but a nightly lortab and you won't even miss pot, most ppl i know just drink when they can't get weed or have to quit, so they can sleep and whatnot... but seriously a week off of weed isn't that traumatic, yeah you'll be grumpy and have trouble sleeping, but a good proportion of western culture feels that way all the time anyways... maybe get a trial script of ambien, they give that shit out like halloween candy.


Well-Known Member
how much coke we talking about? if i were to binge for two weeks it would probably be a half ounce to an ounce a day? Have you got any idea how expensive that would be??


Active Member
400$ half o of some really good stuff but seriously who ever can do an o in a day is a bad mother fer. i did one in like 2 days and i quit ever since i (2 yrs and counting)really wanted to die GL with that 2 weeker


Well-Known Member
people who get addicted are weak minded, shit wouldn't be so bad if people were responsible with what they did, you choose to snort the coke, it dosnt run up your nose by itself :razz:


Well-Known Member
ok how come theres only one or two replies to this telling him not to do blow? WHY THE FUCK WOULD ANYBODY WHOS DONE BLOW TO ANY AMOUNT SUGGEST SOMEONE TRYING IT, you kids are FUCKING IDIOTS, holy fuck its unbelievable, oh yea just do it for like a week itll be fine, or maybe he will like blow SO MUCH like 95% of the people who do it first time do, and ends up gettin sucked into a 2 year downfall of blow and eventually anything to get him away from sober. you guys are tools, half of you havnt even done blow, and are tryna look cool, talking bout how much money it would be, what about the physical addiction that will be set in stone in 3 days if hes binging. Look buddy, dont fuckin ruin your shit, dont do COKE just for fun, do you have any idea what it will do to your relationships, your work, school, family, your MONEY will be all gone, and youll sit there depressed with the sniffles. Ive seen too many of my friends lose they're entire life in 6 months with that shit, and it didnt start with a "yo my friends coming with 2 weeks worth of coke!" it started with "ok i will hit ONE line."
Dont fuck your life up, and instead of thinking, i need to test negative on a drug test so lets SWITCH to harder drugs i havnt done, to LETS FUCK WITH THE DRUG TEST AND STILL PASS.
How are people still scared of drug tests like they cant be cheated and won? when i still had something to prove to someone about my weed smoking(high school) i smoked 36 hours before mine, took what i had to take, and got it done. And fuck anyone tryna drug test you for weed anyway, tell them how you feel and if they dont love you no more then fuck them. Its a fucking plant, not a plant synthesized and melted down into a powder, which has destroyed more lives than any opiate. Ive done my fair share, and i can tell you right now, you are too curious and interested already, so you WILL do it, so all i can say is dont get caught up in it, which is like physically impossible because its SO GOOD the first times. I aint never been on a BINGE, but ive had my nights, and it took 2 months of those every other night or so for me to give it up and anything BUT WEED forever. I know kids since 16 theyre 20 now who do a GR or at least a half GR a day, to themselves just to get by, at work, and at like 9 in the morning and shit, want that to be you? then try blow. its that simple.


Well-Known Member
don't go on a binge with any addictive substance.

2 week binge? are you fuckin serious? do you know how expensive a 2-wk coke binge is?

if i was gonna binge on anything for 2 wks it'd be pot (well pretty much already there) or opiates. i don't think anything else would be tolerable for more than a day or so.

after 2 wks of opiates i'd be ready for w/d's and addiction however.

i dont know why i'm suggesting this, but a nightly lortab and you won't even miss pot, most ppl i know just drink when they can't get weed or have to quit, so they can sleep and whatnot... but seriously a week off of weed isn't that traumatic, yeah you'll be grumpy and have trouble sleeping, but a good proportion of western culture feels that way all the time anyways... maybe get a trial script of ambien, they give that shit out like halloween candy.

yeah lortab 10's are a nice (i cant find weed) supplement
but dont take too many...and dont take them too regularly


Well-Known Member
ive got say personally coke doesnt affect me terribly when i was workin and makin ridiculous money for my age i was snortin may 1-1.5g's a day and thats was workin a 9-5,and i was always fit and able.i still take it like for instance friday just past me and a friend went halfs on an oz gone in 1 night between 4 of us so basically a q each we woke up in the mornin feelin braw and even went out and got breakfast.so basically wot im sayin is it all depends on your immune system sum ppl can do it everyday sum cant.also forgot 2 mention if you are gonna do it if your at a party and sum1 offers you an oz on slate until you can sell it dont take it you will jus end up snortin it all ending up with a sore beak an empty pocket and a serious kicking


Well-Known Member
Read my post again, its about being responsible, you need to have respect, like we respect eachother smoking weed, you cant judge some 1 by what they do, or what they look like, i have enough respect for my friends that i wont tell them what to do with there lives, but i will tell them stop doin somthin if i am worried or think they are hurting them selfs, you obvisouly are weak minded if you think that a drug can take you over, shit i havnt done coke in month, and before that i was doin it every weekend, and im chillin, im not sittin here feinding for the shit, i smoke cigs too, dont buy a pack but if some 1 has one i"ll smoke it, im not sittin here craving a fucking cig, i understand what you saying tring to warn people, but you cant tell some one what to do with there life it all comes down to a decision. and that decision is theres to make


Well-Known Member
damn....a 2 week coke binge.... that is retarded. i have done it but i was selling the shit. i got mixed in with a horrible crowd...lost friends..lost trust...was broke...and it goes on and on man. I love the shit out of the stuff and still think about the stuff like weekly or every other. its to good and thats the reason it shouldnt be done....im like a year and half clean off of it now. all im saying is go on an acid binge or some shit man...or shrooms.it gets out of your system in like a day...but dont do coke man for real im beeing honest it will ruin your life. im def that guy who did it and like the guy said in about 6 months i was hooked selling it liek a fiend to do it and shit went downhill.....please dont do it bra


Well-Known Member
yea thats also 100% true, it is his life, his decision, and also his mistake, it was mine and im 100% glad i did blow and all the e i did in my four month binge, it gave me a fucking awesome perspective once i seen the light. I havnt done blow in almost a year, but because i did so much in such little time i still think about it, my body gets wierd feelings when i see it, but i can stop myself, i dont and never will hit that shit ever again, it serves no positive purpose to your life other than a life lesson. I aint tellin him not to, im strongly urging him to listen to my advice and experience. ive done alot of shit in my time and im telling him coke is the absoulte worst choice for his situation. Many people told me never to do things, so i did them and im glad i did because im grown now and i dont have mixed or unkown conceptions of things such as cocaine. im past it, and he needs to get past it to, cause we both know for a fact he will do it with his buddy, it doesnt matter wha tme or you say, its still his choice and he isnt gonna think about some dudes on rollitups adice when his buddy is busting 2 .4 lines on a cd case and he is shitting himself hes so excited hes trying it. We both know that is the case and exactly how it will go down(maybe not .4 lines, i did 2.1 my first night and i was in love for 8 weeks) Shit i did 4 E's my first time, and was loving it, then i seen down the path and where these drugs are leading me, so i stopped one day just like fuckit, distanced myself from those friends and it was over. At that point i was the "cokehead" to all my normal friends, now i see my buddy who said that last weekend splitting an 8 ball with his buddy at the stripclub and puking on himself driving home, he spent 280 in 2 hours. Not including stipper money. Now whos the cokehead. everyone gets into this shit(97% id say) around your 16-22 years and its better if you can do it earlier and put it behind you, some people will wait till they get to university and then fuck theyre whole life up. Im glad i did it in the 12th grade. Shit i know kids who couldnt go to school in grade 12 if they didnt have a couple of lines.

Anything is addicting, and it is only your mind that can break it, if you dont have the willpower, pray that you get to the point of going to rehab like those douchebags on tv, and not ending up in a gutter ODing on heroin cause coke got you too hyper after a while. Its his choice and hes gonna make it, im tryna give him experienced advice from someone in his situation whose been there, done that and seen it all. Ive seen kids stabbed in the back and neck 5+ times because of cocaine. Ive seen a kid with a fotball scholarship to Notre Dame(im from Canada for fucks sakes) lose it because he couldnt give up coke and dropped out of school 2 months before graduating.Want that to be you? Do your thing and learn the most you can from it, all i can say.


Well-Known Member
man you guys r making it sound so bad it aint that bad all i was sayin is dont get yourself into shit you cant handle.