Thank you very much it was very informative. AI rocks!
One thing which I find important to point out is that that this article states that plants do better under an unnatural condition, ie. 24/0 lightcycle during veg.
The question in charge is if this is also true for Cannabis? Personally I like to veg under 24h light because I feel the plants grow faster. I also see no reason of why there should be a buildup of generative plant hormones during veg. I've been told that under 18/6 plants are more healthy and with respect to the article linked on photorespiration, there's some entries/processes going on in plants that happen only during the night phase but IDK.
HID lights will also increase their lifespan/efficiency when they're constantly on, and 24/0 delivers also more energy which could in turn mean less ppfd is needed, which, in turn could mean one could light out a greater area with the same lamp.
What pro's & con's are also there?