Powering off a Backup Generator?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone ever tried hooking up a backup generator to power their grow room? I'm currently running a car battery up to a powerconverter and running 9 cfls off it. I was wondering of going up to a backup generator so I can run MH and HPS, as a car battery can't support that much power. Any heads up would be awesome!


Well-Known Member
im not sure about where ur from but over here u need a license for generators and u will more than likely get fucked when they find out. better off hooking up a few car batteries together or get some 18 wheeler batteries or possibly a plane battery. not sure about the 18 wheeler but planes run at 24v


Well-Known Member
Needing a liscense or permit for a generator is a new one on me ? in the USA its as common as having a riding lawn mower for a home owner to have a back up generator installed in their homes.


Well-Known Member
Yeah my Uncle has 3 backup generators for his 12,000sqft house alone. I have one I can bring to my place I just need to know if it can handle that much power? Thanks for all your help :-D


Well-Known Member
My backup generator plugs into a wall socket and gets a full charge in 48 hours. It can charge my whole 1500 sq ft apartment for 18 hours. Just want to use it for lights though lol.