power went out for 1 hour yesterday and today!!!!


Active Member
bpu had too turn power off while working on poles for an hour today and yesterday which interupted my 12/12 sched will it affect it any or im i over zealous...and where too get mollases a week into flower would like too see affects first grow... thanks for all response
They will be fine.but you could make that hour up by leaveing lights on 1 hour longer.but if this keepshappening then you will have problems.
bpu had too turn power off while working on poles for an hour today and yesterday which interupted my 12/12 sched will it affect it any or im i over zealous...and where too get mollases a week into flower would like too see affects first grow... thanks for all response

You should wait about another 2 week before you put any molasses in. And it wont effect your plant at all.
Thanks shouldnt happen again for the rest of the grow so i get that at a nursery than ill have too wait for the weather too change..
no nurserys i know of open this time of year still too early
Do you have like a hydro/grow store near you? They would have it or else buy it off the net like ebay