Power vs Efficiency question

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Ok, so here is the deal. I am currently looking to add a big light to my cfl grow. Let me start by saying that with all of the following lights i am referring to the REAL wattage of the bulb and not the incandescent equivalent. I currently have one 65w 5500k, one 65w 2700k, and one 85w 6500k. I just switched to 12/12 light cycle so now I want a bit more red on her (Only growing one plant right now, first time grower so I'm starting small but getting equipment I can re-use). I want to add a big 2100k bulb (A spectrum of cfl that it was very hard to find info on btw, it seems that it is a dual spectrum bulb designed to mimic HPS so it works better for flower than 2700k, with some added blue so you can veg with it too) and I have two options that I need help deciding between. Option (a) is a 125w 2100k with 6,100 lumens. Option (b) is a 250w 2100k with 9750 lumens. Obviously I want more light on her, but I don't know if the extra power consumption of the 250w would be justified with only a 3650 lumen increase. I can't afford or fit two of the 125w ones, so that solution is out the window. What should I do??


Well-Known Member
I would go with the 150 and try to put a few 23 watters in for side lighting.my 23 watt bulbs are 1600 lumens.so just 2 would add the extra 3200 lumens,i get the from Home Depot for 10 dollars per pack of 5.that's just my 2 cents,peace


Well-Known Member
Those amounts of Cfl would barely even be noticeable on a electric bill where I live.
Like leaving some lights on all day.

All flouro have blue an green from the mercury in them, wouldnt pay extra for that.

check 1000bulbs.com for 100w cfl 20$ & shipping

I'd recomend some incandessant or hallogen to supplement your cfls in flower.
Its not as near as effecient as cfl but it has a great full red spectra cheep. (Emerson effect)

T5 /t8 floro has great lumen per watt, are cheep an increadble selection of spectrum via aquarium bulbs.

But like CFl they have to be changed every yr or 2 as output declines.

the best in floro is induction floro.
love this IndaGro 420 & pontoon led.

good luck in your lighting journey ...

Ace Yonder

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses! Now I definitely think I am gonna go for the 125w one, plus I realized that the slimmer profile will allow the reflector to reflect more light as the bulb itself won't block as much (if that makes sense). As for side lighting I will be keeping my current lights, which I have setup more around the sides of the plant anyways, adding the big one at the top instead of actually replacing them. I figure that for 1 plant 370 real watts is enough, especially because I have very little light loss in my grow box. I would LOVE one of those IndaGro lights but sadly I dont have $400+ to drop on a light at this stage, hopefully after a couple seasons things will change haha. The 125w 2100k I was looking at is only $44 with the mogul socket, reflector hood, and shipping included (and for comparison the 2100k bulb is only $2 more expensive than a 2700k bulb of the same size, and for me personally its worth the extra for the variety alone)
I would go with the 150 and try to put a few 23 watters in for side lighting.my 23 watt bulbs are 1600 lumens.so just 2 would add the extra 3200 lumens,i get the from Home Depot for 10 dollars per pack of 5.that's just my 2 cents,peace
Dang, here at HD its $19 plus tax for only 4. That pisses me off!