power outage protocol?

Just reset the timers when the power comes back on. Drench the flowering plants with purecrop if the power was off a considerable amount of time. If it’s off for a day or longer you might have to hand water bigger plants.
Just reset the timers when the power comes back on. Drench the flowering plants with purecrop if the power was off a considerable amount of time. If it’s off for a day or longer you might have to hand water bigger plants.

Or allow your auto feeding system just to continue feeding as normal but keep an eye on RH and TEMPS ;-)
If it's during my dark period, I just make sure to get the timer set correctly (mechanical timer). If it's during my lights on period, I bust out a rechargeable LED light and put it in the tent until the lights come back on again. It last a few hours and is USB charged, and if I need more than a few hours I plug it into a charging unit I have and can get a bunch more hours out of it.
For long outages, the most useful thing I've found are some long lasting battery operated fans. The RH skyrockets inside a closed tent with no vent fan going, so I'll stick one of these in over the canopy if I know the outage will be long-like during a big windstorm that takes out a lot of power lines. Normal outages of 6 hours or less, I don't bother with them though. Even during a long outage during the winter, I'm less concerned about their photoperiod than I am about keeping my temps up inside a cold house.
For long outages, the most useful thing I've found are some long lasting battery operated fans. The RH skyrockets inside a closed tent with no vent fan going, so I'll stick one of these in over the canopy if I know the outage will be long-like during a big windstorm that takes out a lot of power lines. Normal outages of 6 hours or less, I don't bother with them though. Even during a long outage during the winter, I'm less concerned about their photoperiod than I am about keeping my temps up inside a cold house.

Thanks man, I'll take your suggestion & get one of these. Along with a rechargeable LED as suggested by @LeastExpectedGrower just to be prepared for a day-long+ outage.

I'll also take @steve870 advice for a timer with battery. I've had to reset my manual 9x in 4 weeks lol.

& i'll keep @UpstateRecGrower 's idea in mind for when i get to flowering (Drench the flowering plants with purecrop if the power was off a considerable amount of time.)

@HydroKid239 I would love a whole house generator (12-15k installed) maybe one day!

Also thanks for all the "chill/have a beer/its not rocket science posts" i had a good laugh :D
Have a generator is #1 for me. I’ve been through a power outage 6 days long without. Never again.

One of the good things about living close in to a big city is that the power doesn't stay out for very long. A few hours is the longest it's been out where I'm living now. We don't get many bad weather events here. The last time we did was decades ago and I was living downtown. Power was back in an hour but I had to take a week off from work because the power was still out at the facility. I do have a generator though but that's for the freezer full of meat, refrigerator, electronics, etc...
on the fly it will pull about 100 watts a panel (rated for 150 I think) and the panels can be strung together for a good amount of instant power and charging power