what protocols if any do you follow in a multi hour power outage situation?
Just reset the timers when the power comes back on. Drench the flowering plants with purecrop if the power was off a considerable amount of time. If it’s off for a day or longer you might have to hand water bigger plants.
Not necessarily in that orderPower outage protocol:
- Drink any beer in the refrigerator before it gets warm.
- Eat any ice cream in the freezer before it melts.
- Smoke a joint.
For long outages, the most useful thing I've found are some long lasting battery operated fans. The RH skyrockets inside a closed tent with no vent fan going, so I'll stick one of these in over the canopy if I know the outage will be long-like during a big windstorm that takes out a lot of power lines. Normal outages of 6 hours or less, I don't bother with them though. Even during a long outage during the winter, I'm less concerned about their photoperiod than I am about keeping my temps up inside a cold house.
Have a generator is #1 for me. I’ve been through a power outage 6 days long without. Never again.