Power out


Active Member
So im running 18-6 in veg, getting ready to flip in a week. I run lights on 6pm to 12pm and the power went out at 4 am and hasnt been on since, its 3:30 pm the following day.
I dont think the power is gonna turn on for atleast another few hours. I run dwc so the buckets are kind of empty but I hand watered a few hours ago. Theres no bubbles and no water flow for almost 12 hrs now. Im gonna flush the system and refill with new water once the power kicks back
Any advice? Will one day with a messed up schedule induce and early flower?

I was just planning on putting the timers on the right time once the power comes back. Im not gonna add any hours of light to make up for what was lost. Hopefully this is the way to go and the power comes back within the next 2 hrs.

Thanks in advance

Jakabok Botch

Well-Known Member
id get a generator.....the light u can live without for a couple days(worse will happen itl stunt growth or induce flowering)....but especially in dwc u need to keep ur pumps on....more important the air or ur plants will drown.....unless u can pull the roots out of the water and just keep watering them urself......


Active Member
id get a generator.....the light u can live without for a couple days(worse will happen itl stunt growth or induce flowering)....but especially in dwc u need to keep ur pumps on....more important the air or ur plants will drown.....unless u can pull the roots out of the water and just keep watering them urself......
Uhmmm from what I'm reading you have no air going into your buckets? plants won't live more than a day with that condition. If I had DWC buckets with no air I would drain the buckets and mist the roots with pH 5.8 RO water every hour or two.


Active Member
I recently transplanted so the roots arent really submerged. I drained the buckets and I am just watering them and keeping the roots moist. I am putting a few battery powered flood lights in there in 30 minutes just to get some light going. Hopefully the power will come back on in the next few hrs.
No generators anywhere, sold out in every store