Power out for ? Due to storm


Active Member
How long can my plants go without light till it realy hurts them? There in veg stage and had planned on veging allittle longer now the power is out and has been all day so far.


Active Member
thats a good question Im curious to this as well. Havent had it happen yet and luckily Im in flower but still.
I have had this happen before don't freak out yet you have time. If you want to stay in veg give them some kind of light it doesn't take much( a lantern or flash light) think about outdoor growing and dark rainy days a plant should go for a week with minimal lighting mine went three days in total darkness because I was away when the ballist shot craps so they started to sex and it took awhile to get them back to veg but they did eventually come back with no real damage just slowed things down. It happened one other time we had a power out and I used a cfl lantern to light the space 13 hours at a time for 2 full days when the power came back they rocked on like nothing happened. I know how you feel it sucks I hope your power is back soon!


Well-Known Member
lol, dude, youve got nothing to worry about unless you lose power for like 4-5 days-and even then you could give em sun light during the normal lights on phase if absolutely needed. just resume the light cycle u were using before u lost power.


Well-Known Member
I keep an APC 1000 watt UPS around fully charged for just such an occasion. You can run a CFL or two easily for quite awhile on battery power. Once had to keep my fish alive during a 3 day extended outage in the deep of winter that way as well.


Well-Known Member
If you regularly experience frequent or prolonged power outages, buy a cheap generator on Craig's List.