Power got shut off... What to expect


Hey guys. So I was really curious, I forgot to pay my bill this month sadly and my power got shut off today at 1 pm which is when the lights normally go off.
Currently vegging in week 3-4(18-6 cycle). Now my power will not come back on until about 1 possibly earlier. But fact of the matter is that the lights will of been off anywehre from 12-24 hours. How bad is this going to hurt my girls? Should I go straight to flowering from here, or can I put them back on a Veg cycle with minimal stress?



Well-Known Member
Resume your current schedule.

Shame on you. Most utilities send notification that you are behind before they cut you off. When you don't pay your power bill on time, it gets flagged by the computer as late. At some point, a person will take notice of your account and usage, because out of 800,000 customers, you have managed to get your account in front of a person that may spot unusual or excessive usage., all because you didn't pay the most important bill. :)

Never let your power bill run past due. It may get handled by a human with an eye for spotting shit. If you always pay ontime, you are just a number and don't stand out or attract any attention.


Thanks for the quick reply man. Should I be expecting a lot of stress for a while? For a day?
Reason I'm not getting notifications is cause I found out they were getting sent to my mom's address because she had to pay in the summer when I was overseas. :( But I know this is quite bad, at least I paid it off in full and it's the only time its happened so hopefully no biggy. Thanks again.