Power cut.

Thats a neighbor hood here. If everyone is fam its a compound
Well it's your version of a neighbourhood.
Dis you?

Yep, I'm the one on the right ha ha
If you're nervous about such things, a few battery powered lights you can put into use to make your plants sense 'light' would certainly work. A ton of rechargeable LED powered by USB stuff is out there, attach it to your backup phone power brick if you have one and you can probably ride out a day of dark.

You just have to be lucky enough to be home to catch it.
I ended up with this issue too many times over the years. I have since purchased a backup generator where I can run overhead T5 lighting to keep plants on their normal light schedule.

If you don't have the option for a generator you could always just get as much daylight during lights on as possible and hope for the best. Last time my power went out for 3 days I suffered huge stretch and some of the plants hermed so keep an eye out for nanners. If it's just 1 day probably no big deal but if your power is out for several days you might be in trouble without a way to power a grow light.