Powdery mildew

Amateur hour, eh? So because we don't need to guerilla grow that makes us amateurs? Funny how you are the one that is asking for help. Best wishes and good luck.
Can you not read i never asked for help an im talking to bugeye but since your already crying running along now
I didn't try to disagree at all. I merely stated that minimal agitation was all that was required. But using a hose is most definitely not minimal agitation. So save your snarky comments for the next person that offers you help. That will ensure that you get the most qualified people trying to answer your question.
Fill a spray bottle 60 % water 40 % milk apply every ten days is what i was told i used this just about 5 days ago and noticed a big difference however unfortunately it didnt completely rid the problem im still trying to completely get rid of that shit myself. Whatever method you use keep us updated
Thanks for the advice. Do you suggest spraying at night or during the day?
Thanks for the advice. Do you suggest spraying at night or during the day?
You guys are wasting your time and stinking up your plants with that milk spray. It is a preventative spray and not effective for treating outbreaks. Don't waste time when you can be treating the issue. You are in flower so take a clean approach that works well. Honestly, I'm trying to help you so I'm speaking direct. :peace:
Thanks for the advice. Do you suggest spraying at night or during the day?

During the Day, Hit them in the morning sun. Plenty of options out here, you can do the milk and water, or peroxide. Or you can go buy some other type of chemical fungicide. If you are gonna use the milk mixture do it in the morning in the sun. You don't want moisture setting up inside the flowers, that is what causes mold and mildew in the first place. Good Luck.
Actinivate. Beneficial bacteria. Makes the PM unable to further innoculate and spread. Don't waste your time with milk. Potassium bicarbonate, club soda(so carb water..), h2o2. All way more effective than milk. Plus that's just fucking gross.
You guys are wasting your time and stinking up your plants with that milk spray. It is a preventative spray and not effective for treating outbreaks. Don't waste time when you can be treating the issue. You are in flower so take a clean approach that works well. Honestly, I'm trying to help you so I'm speaking direct. :peace:
You seem confident in your abilities to eliminate PM. As someone suffering from this filth on my plants what are your methods of eliminating it? Help would be much appreciated.
You seem confident in your abilities to eliminate PM. As someone suffering from this filth on my plants what are your methods of eliminating it? Help would be much appreciated.

Actinivate-Potassium bicarbonate- carb water- h2o2
any one of them. all safe in flower.
You seem confident in your abilities to eliminate PM. As someone suffering from this filth on my plants what are your methods of eliminating it? Help would be much appreciated.
Saturating sprays of Diluted H2o2 or Green Cure (potassium bicarbonate). Hit them several days in a row and then get some Actinovate on them. Repeat if you see it again. I've had it plenty but never had an issue come harvest.
Keep it under control to a point and off buds and it's not really a big deal. But i'm in the far northeast and been dealing with it for years. Can't avoid it where i am. same with bud rot. Don't matter what you do, you're going to loose some to it if it happens.
You guys are wasting your time and stinking up your plants with that milk spray. It is a preventative spray and not effective for treating outbreaks. Don't waste time when you can be treating the issue. You are in flower so take a clean approach that works well. Honestly, I'm trying to help you so I'm speaking direct. :peace:
Where did you hear these lies at? I read the garbage you spew and it hurts where do you get your misinformation from? Theres a protein in milk that binds itself to pm then becomes antiseptic killing the pm. Also i sprayed milk killed a fuck load of pm and no smell so sorry not falling for it.
For me @Bugeye 's approach works the best for controlling infected plants. Hit them once or twice with green cure to wipe out the obvious spots, then follow with a good bacteria like Actinovate to attack new colonies as they come up.
I personally count the milk in with the hippie myth stuff left over from prohibition, maybe it causes a helpful ph bump, but there are much cleaner ways to do it..
The article you referred us to speaks to milk sprays as being used preventatively. As I said. They are not effective on outbreaks, and I know this from personal experience.
You obviously cant read thenXD hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha fuck thats funny as hell anyway the best treatment so far to be honest has been hit em with milk once come back with the h202. But again no smell from milk you obviously havnt used it you can smell it whilst being sprayed thats it