Powdery Mildew on Cured Buds

I've got the powdery on the dried and cured and I've read about putting the buds in the oven to kill the spores and what not. Has anyone actually done this with success? Advice on temps and times

Thanks in advance


Active Member
Either make hash from moldy bud (assuming your using a screen fine enough where only trichromes get through) or throw the shit out.


moldy powdery are the same ,it has mold, whether it is a lot or a little it will fuck up your lungs if smoked I never heard of putting it in the oven for mold but i am no expert
my best advice is to make honey oil there are many threads on this site on how to do it its quick and easy
I just finished a harvest and found pm on my buds so all i did was hang it like usual then soaked with milk spray 1-9 parts placed fans right on them bye bye pm and once dryed there was no milk smell and tastes great!!!


Active Member

Try putting fresh foliage in the jar with the moldy buds, it will rehydrate the buds and eliminate the mold. Then try recuring it in the jar, If you dont see any bud mold after the 2nd cure. Try smoking a bowl and see, Chances are if you saw mold in the jar stage of the curing you didn't let is sit out long enough to dry. It is ready to go to the jar stage when the stem snaps when bent 30-20% of its weight is gone, Perfectly cured bud contains 15% moisture.