***powdery mildew*** help what should i do?


My air exchange rate is good, my humidity stays between 43 and 45 and temps are 83 day time and 77 night time!!! I have a tower fan on medium speed oscillation covering my 4x4 tent!! Is that enough flow inside? Stated to see it on the leaves closer to where my air is comming in from!!! Im pulling from under my house!! should that air be ok?


Well-Known Member
You can get a sulfur burner, that will take care of it and prevent it from happening next time.. Can you post some pics of it? And I'm not 100% sure but I think neem oil will treat it too


Well-Known Member
if it is powder mildew, this is what you do.......................get a spray bottle, add 90% water and 10% milk. spray them on your leaves that's all you got to do. it won't fuck up your plants, you ain't using chemicals and it does the job quick. latez


I have a potable a/c and am wondering how to vent it !! I can keep the unit on the outside of the room taking in air from the garage and I can duct an intake into the tent!! and the exhaust would run all the way outside? If i did that the a./c unit would not be able to run on automatic and always be on !! OR should i cut a hole in the tent and let the unit stick half in half out!!! It would know the temp of the room and be taking in the air from the tent? whats best?Is that better then taking cold air from under my house?
Hmmm...Sounds interesting. I have never treated my ladies with milk. Sounds nice and natural. I have tried just about everything but am incredibly happy with sodium bicarbonate mixed with H2O and a little wetting agent. I am always glad to have a plan b though. Thanks for highlighting the "milky way."