Powdery Mildew during Flower.

Best WPM treatment during mid flower

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Ik there are a few threads on here but just wanted to hear everyone’s experience if they’ve dealt with it during flower. Rookie mistake let my ipm slip before flip and it shows. I’m currently at day 25 (about 3.5 weeks) I am wondering what you guys have used to aid the issue. And ultimately how it effects the meds in the end. Am holding back on neem and h2o2 as these ladies are absolutely frosted and smelling amazing. Ik there’s still lots of time for tricome development. Just would rather not harm my ladies in any way. Currently considering Dr. Zymes. And possibly regalia. im seeming to find a few more actual growers saying that they use zymes into all the way into harvest with no issues. But have also heard ppl say that about neem oil… which Ik is not true. Have heard things about baking soda as well but like the h2o2, how much is a super watered down rinse really going to do to actually get rid of pm not just keep it at bay? Even if baking soda once a week is the answer I’m all ears. More just looking for reassurance from someone who actually cares about what they consume and their final product (organic ofc) lol. Anyways. Much love to anyone who read this hope you’re having an awesome week
In my experience, the only thing to do is trash it all, bleach everything and start over, and I say that having lost several crops to WPM over the years.
UVB at 280nm-290nm will kill PMD. But only 1 bulb I know of goes down to 280nm. Solacure Flower Power. 280nm is the line between UVB, and UVC. Some claim anything under 290nm is UVC. Flower Power has most of its power from 280nm-300nm. Bugs also dont like strong uvb. Especially at 280nm
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I use both Regalia and Dr Zymes Eliminator at different times and for different reasons.

Regalia is a good preventative to use before you're showing PM. Some people foliar spray but I never have, just soil drench.

Dr Zymes is good for dissolving PM when it's already showing. Spray every 2nd or 3rd day until the PM is gone. You can also do post harvest baths with Eliminator.

My secret weapon for PM is my AirROS machine that sends Hydrogen trioxide into the air to kill all PM and spores in the air and on surfaces. Sage Industries.


4 grows ago I got a bad case of PM from clones I brought into my tent. I had PM for the next 3 grows and didn't get rid of it until I adjusted my AirROS for greater output. Now nothing for 3 grows.

Expensive but worth the money.


Home - AirROS by SAGE Commercial Air & Surface Purifiers (airrosshield.com)

What is your RH at? I know this sound backwards. Powdered mildew loves to grow at about 30%. Start spraying with pure crop and bring the RH up to 50%. It will slow way down.
I keep hearing about this low-humidity causing WPM to appear but in 20 years I have never seen WPM appear below 55% RH both indoor and out. And usually at higher levels like 60%+

I am confuse

I use both Regalia and Dr Zymes Eliminator at different times and for different reasons.

Regalia is a good preventative to use before you're showing PM. Some people foliar spray but I never have, just soil drench.

Dr Zymes is good for dissolving PM when it's already showing. Spray every 2nd or 3rd day until the PM is gone. You can also do post harvest baths with Eliminator.

My secret weapon for PM is my AirROS machine that sends Hydrogen trioxide into the air to kill all PM and spores in the air and on surfaces. Sage Industries.


4 grows ago I got a bad case of PM from clones I brought into my tent. I had PM for the next 3 grows and didn't get rid of it until I adjusted my AirROS for greater output. Now nothing for 3 grows.

Expensive but worth the money.


Home - AirROS by SAGE Commercial Air & Surface Purifiers (airrosshield.com)

You buy directly from Sage? How much do they go for?
You buy directly from Sage? How much do they go for?


Yes I bought directly from Sage, the price was about $3,000 USD.

Their smallest unit covers 500 cubic feet, my 4' x 4' tent is about 100 cubic feet. So I turn down the power to 25%. Michael at Sage suggested 10% but PM continued until I turned it up, then gone for good.

It seems like a lot of money but if you've had PM in your grow the price doesn't seem that much. the AirROS doesn't seem that much compared to the PM.

OUR MODELS - AirROS by SAGE Industrial (airrosshield.com)

I do biweekly root drenches in flower with regalia and foliar in vegative as a preventative. I've kept a outbreak at bay with foliar dr.zymes then switching to Athena powder mildew control every 4 days until no visible pm. Then weekly soil drench with regalia. Did that for about a month then went to biweekly I stick with as preventative. I had a bad outbreak about 6months ago and regalia saved my ass.
You gotta treat the entire room and the plants, not just the plants. The spores are in the area now and your job is going to be top to bottom sterilize the room. I personally used Biosafe Systems Zerotol in a Hudson fogger machine with full protective equipment, respirator etc and fog sprayed my floors, walls, ceilings everything and haven't seen white powdery mildew in over a year. *knock on wood*

For prevention you can keep your room clean as possible, wear shoes only used for your grow into the grow, HEPA filter or if possible eliminate outside air sources/intakes/exhausts.

Zerotol used with a fogger and protective equipment can be used day of harvest it leaves no residues its stabilized hydrogen peroxide but extremely strong chemicals, you must wear protective gloves, clothes and a respirator when spraying it.. That stuff not only will wipe out any germs/spores but it will annihilate any bugs too lmao.

Once it dries it converts back to air and water, no harmful residues once dry. Tests clean too..
Depends on severity of the mildew, shoot us some pics if possible. Could be you’ve caught it early enough but if not their doomed.
Not much to be done, but try citric acid or peroxide, and then do a bud wash, like Kerowacked said. Once you've had PM, it's around, and you'll need to step up grow hygiene and IPM to avoid it in the future. I'd increase air circulation in the future too-defol enough below the canopy so air can pass freely through the plants-you want every leaf on the plant feeling a little breeze. I think circulation is more of a factor in PM than RH, possibly in all types of fungal infections.