Powdery Mildew Clones

A friend of mine....Has been putting clones in the flowering room during the light cycle and they have gotten powdery mildew. It's not real bad but should you keep them or go get new ones. Also does PM live in the plants tissue or is it something that just lives on the surface. Also what strains are the most resilient to PM?


I'm also trying to figure out if PM infects the whole plant or just the surface.

Good luck, hope things work out for you.


Well-Known Member
your humidity is too high maybe above 85%rh.Place a dehumidifier in your grow space. to lower your humidity.
Your buddy needs to worry about his forming buds getting powerdy mildew.RH in the flowering stage needs to be 30 to 50%rh.During the veg stage rh should between 50 and 70%rh
A remedy that i use to control pm on my plants is to make an h202 (hydrogen peroxide) solution.Using 10 ml of h202 35% to a gallon of water.It prevents it from spreading.All strains are subjected to powerdry mildew.Remember,if your humidity his too high above the "normal range"you will get some type of fungus.Good luck


Well-Known Member
I'm also trying to figure out if PM infects the whole plant or just the surface.

Good luck, hope things work out for you.
From what I've read PM starts out on the leaf, then infiltrates the plant through the stomata. Once it gets in their you start to see the patches which are actually the mildew's reproduction sites. So if you can kill the mildew that is on the leaf you will stop the spreading of the mildew but that plant will be infected. I'm not sure of the life cycle of the mildew though so it maybe possible to completely eradicate it if you are very vigilant in your fungicide treatments.


Active Member
1 part fat free milk to 3 part water, biological CONTROL of PM. i use this remedy and have made it to harvest from a PM infected clone with no PM in the buds. keep on top of it and do your nightly inspections. fix your environment to fully get rid of it. i found the milk solution works better than the H202 solution, the H202 only gets rid of it for maybe a few days, with the milk i went 2-3 weeks with out any returning, the trick is to get to it before it gets bad on you.

The milk does work i do it all the time, the plants will love it too. especially if your using coco, you need more calcium with coco so it helps alot.


I have noticed indica's to be less likely to get the PM. I used a sulpher burner in veg and its seems to keep the mildew under control. Never use a sulpher burner during Bud! Years ago I grew a white rhino or so they said it was and also a Bigbud strain. The Rhino which was a heavy indica was uneffected the big bud was covered... so ya strain is a big influance on the PM. Good luck man and if you have the clones rooted start over not worth the headace.