Powdery Mildew and Eagle 20

@dbkick same information I posted on page 5.. o_O

Myclobutanil is approved for use on tobacco cultivated in China, however, and a 2012 study has demonstrated that 10% or more of the active pesticide remains on tobacco leaves up to 21 days after treatment, with residue present from 0.85 parts per million (ppm) up to 3.27 ppm.

Like I said I still have 65-75 days minimum, I think I will make it, especially considering I am outdoors ;)
wow, same info I posted on page 2 :P
I agree, this was a situation however that unfortunately I was forced to use a chemical responsibly, the first time in all my years of growing. White I listed exactly what happened and the steps I have taken in this thread , but to refresh:

I tried every organic solution under the sun, I am and always have been an organic grower. Organic solutions include 9:1 skim milk, baking soda, neem oil, sm90, ect.. These plants are in beautiful shape, and it they weren't so healthy the entire greenhouse would be covered. We are talking 5-10 leaves with PM per plant on 10-12ft tall bushes. The problem is under control, just not eradicated. And since the plants are so healthy, they are doing an excellent job fighting it off.

The main problem is my property has a lot of wild plants with PM on them this year (I live in the mountains). Colorado received a lot of extra moisture this year, which I think contributed to this. My plants are also significantly larger, which led me to increase air flow and defoliate to reduce humidity (Colorado is a rather dry climate). Environment is as perfect as possible given the conditions.

Regarding your point about half life, that was my mistake, you are correct. However, I used a minimal dose and I am 65-75 days minimum away from harvest. Also the study of this pesticide used on tobacco stated 90% was gone within 21 days, so my initial report was incorrect.

Bottom line is this:
As I said, I am getting the plants tested at the conclusion of this harvest. I would rather attempt to save the plants then kill the whole crop. Please also see the studies I linked at the bottom of page 5, including an individual who used this product and got it tested. I also know people in my growing circle who have used this and tested with zero trace at harvest.

I used full strength (2tbsp a gallon) on Friday and I still found some spots in the greenhouse today. I will probably apply again tomorrow and update with results.

Did you notice any negative affects on the buds (brown pistils, lack of smell, ect.?). the plants will be flowering soon and I don't want to damage the buds if I can avoid it.

I might add this to my arsenal, thank you for the heads up.

I replied to your comment right after your post numb nuts and I also addressed your post again at the bottom of page 5.

I promise my ganja is way cleaner then yours, that's not even up for debate.
I gotta ask, are you fully saturating the plant from top to bottom,top sides and undersides of leaves until the plant is dripping completely wet? You should be if you aren't. I just dont see how even a terminator cyborg PM would be present after neem,sm-90 and Greencure sprays. I used a pressurized sprayer when I spray my plants with anything like neem or green cure. It actually has a scrubbing effect vs just a wetting/dampening effect. My pm looked like it was gone minutes after spraying the plant and I never saw it again. Dont worry about getting them too wet when it comes to neem or Green cure. There is no such thing as too wet when you are spraying them down. Find something that will aggitate while it sprays like one of the pest control sprayers that you pressurize with a built in pump.
This is what I use indoors for a small garden:
You could probably use something like this since you are outdoors:
Ive been battling PM for 2 fkn years and I still havent tried any chem/synthetic fungicide. Only tried these; Serenade, H202(hydrogen peroxide), baking soda, potassium bicarbonate (PHup), neem and cinnamon oil, and recently been using a sulfur vaporizer which worked really good for the first 2 months, but now I have PM coming back destroying my crop of medicine again!!! IT SUCKS! Im thinking its stuck in my walls or maybe comes from the basement? I have excellent ventillation and low humidity and good temps! IDK wtf to do, maybe trying a copper fungicide next. Man I have held off this long going 100% organic, and really dont wanna have to try something like eagle 20. A friend of mine recently told me about some sh*T called Physan 20...and he said it works. BUT I was reading up on it and found the MSDS for it, and ya right. nope sorry, I will wait and try other things...FML .......but what is this greencure you speak of? I will have to research it. Thanks heads
Ive been battling PM for 2 fkn years and I still havent tried any chem/synthetic fungicide. Only tried these; Serenade, H202(hydrogen peroxide), baking soda, potassium bicarbonate (PHup), neem and cinnamon oil, and recently been using a sulfur vaporizer which worked really good for the first 2 months, but now I have PM coming back destroying my crop of medicine again!!! IT SUCKS! Im thinking its stuck in my walls or maybe comes from the basement? I have excellent ventillation and low humidity and good temps! IDK wtf to do, maybe trying a copper fungicide next. Man I have held off this long going 100% organic, and really dont wanna have to try something like eagle 20. A friend of mine recently told me about some sh*T called Physan 20...and he said it works. BUT I was reading up on it and found the MSDS for it, and ya right. nope sorry, I will wait and try other things...FML .......but what is this greencure you speak of? I will have to research it. Thanks heads
Eagle 20 only cure rest is just a band aid
I use it on freshly rooted clones and moms never an issue rather deal with the odds than smoke a systemic mildew......
Sounds like you gotta fix your area and grow more healthy plants, spraying harmful chemicals isn't the end all for all growers. I prefer my buds pesticide and fungicide free not with extremely harmful chemicals in it like eagle 20. Which has been proven by many sources to be harmful to ingest and is illegal for sale in California.


Just read that and you will never want to use that shit again.

from that article " Cannabis will test for residual eagle well beyond its half life of 297"
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Sounds like you gotta fix your area and grow more healthy plants, spraying harmful chemicals isn't the end all for all growers. I prefer my buds pesticide and fungicide free not with extremely harmful chemicals in it like eagle 20.
If you live in Colorado you are way more likely to have pm. Theres a grow house every 3rd house in Denver. I lived in fl never an issue but when you go places that have grows everywhere it's hard to control when a cut comes in with it......so I spray and make a mom and keep away from my flower room. I never see pm but I spray my mom's every other month and clones when fresh rooted. Pm is everywhere here I have separate scrubs to go in my flower rooms and never see pm in there I doubt that a bud 98 days after spraying that never saw spray besides when a clone about 6" 98 days earlier will have testable amounts in the bud. Please show a study directly correlating your claims if I spray my clones that 98 days later it'll be in the bud. Only reason mmed ban it was due to high flammability no other reason.....
I would never spray it past when I do and never have and never see pm ever in my house but have plenty of people who rather have it ruin crops and be in the buds for people to smoke
I would never spray it past when I do and never have and never see pm ever in my house but have plenty of people who rather have it ruin crops and be in the buds for people to smoke
If your crop has been ruined you didn't grow it right, preventative measures and proper nutrients can and will prevent PM . The use of chitin and chitosan is proven to prevent powdery mildew ,botrytis and numerous other fungal pathogens.

Chitin fortifies a plant from the inside out, causing an "auto-immune" response that signals a plant to produce natural toxins which fend off its natural enemies like pests and fungal pathogens. The EPA says that chitin and chitosan (see FAQ's) defend against botrytis (grey mold), powdery mildew, early and late blight, fungal pathogens in the root zone (root rot) and root-feeding nematodes.
If your crop has been ruined you didn't grow it right, preventative measures and proper nutrients can and will prevent PM . The use of chitin and chitosan is proven to prevent powdery mildew ,botrytis and numerous other fungal pathogens.

Chitin fortifies a plant from the inside out, causing an "auto-immune" response that signals a plant to produce natural toxins which fend off its natural enemies like pests and fungal pathogens. The EPA says that chitin and chitosan (see FAQ's) defend against botrytis (grey mold), powdery mildew, early and late blight, fungal pathogens in the root zone (root rot) and root-feeding nematodes.
Ive never had a crop ruined.....again where do you live? Do u have dispensaries everywhere with it? Neighbors with grows you can't control? I mean it's outdoors I never see it and its because of my prevention methods. Again link a study that shows harmful amounts chemicals left in the bud 98 days after spraying a clone.....not traceable in the stems not traceable in leaves "harmful" amounts.... because the mmed couldn't they just ban it strictly off of being too flammable
If you live in Colorado you are way more likely to have pm. Theres a grow house every 3rd house in Denver. I lived in fl never an issue but when you go places that have grows everywhere it's hard to control when a cut comes in with it......so I spray and make a mom and keep away from my flower room. I never see pm but I spray my mom's every other month and clones when fresh rooted. Pm is everywhere here I have separate scrubs to go in my flower rooms and never see pm in there I doubt that a bud 98 days after spraying that never saw spray besides when a clone about 6" 98 days earlier will have testable amounts in the bud. Please show a study directly correlating your claims if I spray my clones that 98 days later it'll be in the bud. Only reason mmed ban it was due to high flammability no other reason.....
I do live in colorado at 273 days myclobutanil can still be tested in those plants, you are smoking that chemical.
I do live in colorado at 273 days myclobutanil can still be tested in those plants, you are smoking that chemical.
Again link the studies that show that there are harmful amounts that cause harm to people at 98 days after spraying a clone. Idc of the stalk has it or leaves that were sprayed but your gonna tell me the buds that won't grow till about 56 days after spraying with have that chemical on them and in.harmful amounts? I understand what systemic is I have a CVT license in florida I understand systemics very well. If there was a study to show what your saying specifically with cannabis showing harmful amounts Ill have to find another way. But I can show you studies that smoking pm is harmful and that pm is a systemic virus that is only ridded fully by eagle 20 as a systemic. The spores put roots into the cell wall so washing it off does nothing besides a band aid. What you are saying has proven effective but not in commercial settings because I've been in 40+ and none use it.....even seen penicillin used on the plants still not 100% effective only way to cure powdery mildew is eagle 20. Sucks dick but it is what it is
Again link the studies that show that there are harmful amounts that cause harm to people at 98 days after spraying a clone. Idc of the stalk has it or leaves that were sprayed but your gonna tell me the buds that won't grow till about 56 days after spraying with have that chemical on them and in.harmful amounts? I understand what systemic is I have a CVT license in florida I understand systemics very well. If there was a study to show what your saying specifically with cannabis showing harmful amounts Ill have to find another way. But I can show you studies that smoking pm is harmful and that pm is a systemic virus that is only ridded fully by eagle 20 as a systemic. The spores put roots into the cell wall so washing it off does nothing besides a band aid. What you are saying has proven effective but not in commercial settings because I've been in 40+ and none use it.....even seen penicillin used on the plants still not 100% effective only way to cure powdery mildew is eagle 20. Sucks dick but it is what it is
Speaking solely to myclobutanil, Eagle20EW is extremely systemic and will live in your plants for years... Cannabis will test for residual eagle well beyond its half life of 297 days from what I have seen and when plant clippings and nugs are extracted into concentrates even clean starting product of 1-2PPB can cause over 250PPB in end product concentrate! And just to be clear we are talking about Parts Per BILLION!! meaning only 1 PPB can cause end Product over 20PPB the Denver Dept of Health set Limit, this is absolutely minuscule amounts as its not even 20% of 1 PPM allowed non-approved pesticide which seems like a incredibly low allowed limit considering the FDA allows 85PPB to 327PPB as acceptable but still with long term exposure risk but will ultimately go toward setting a VERY HIGH BAR for what the state and City of Denver will allow. Ultimately in three years time, every single manufacturer of Cannabis will test in PPTrillion for Eagle20EW and beyond and this issue will become of the past as all plants beyond this limit are phased out of existence or swapped for genetics that have never seen eagle20ew to start with.

Directly quoted from this study


You are contaminating your clones by spraying that stuff, it lasts for literally years in the plant. If you were using this product at the MMED level you could lose your license or be sued majorly. It's banned for use in the production of any marijuana here in colorado.
Btw again the mmed who goes crazy over pesticides specifically noted the only reason for Banning it was due to "high flammability and drying of the plants that occurs after spraying causing a easy setting for a fire"
Speaking solely to myclobutanil, Eagle20EW is extremely systemic and will live in your plants for years... Cannabis will test for residual eagle well beyond its half life of 297 days from what I have seen and when plant clippings and nugs are extracted into concentrates even clean starting product of 1-2PPB can cause over 250PPB in end product concentrate! And just to be clear we are talking about Parts Per BILLION!! meaning only 1 PPB can cause end Product over 20PPB the Denver Dept of Health set Limit, this is absolutely minuscule amounts as its not even 20% of 1 PPM allowed non-approved pesticide which seems like a incredibly low allowed limit considering the FDA allows 85PPB to 327PPB as acceptable but still with long term exposure risk but will ultimately go toward setting a VERY HIGH BAR for what the state and City of Denver will allow. Ultimately in three years time, every single manufacturer of Cannabis will test in PPTrillion for Eagle20EW and beyond and this issue will become of the past as all plants beyond this limit are phased out of existence or swapped for genetics that have never seen eagle20ew to start with.

Directly quoted from this study


You are contaminating your clones by spraying that stuff, it lasts for literally years in the plant.
You see with concentrates now everyone in the industry is also purging only 12hrs allowing I believe 8ppm more of butane