powdered and liquid humate

native stoner

Active Member
whats up putting together my super soil grow ,got everthing for the grow except powdered humic i bought the liquid instead.
without the powdered will i be ok with the liquid.
thanks and rep,s


Well-Known Member
whats up putting together my super soil grow ,got everthing for the grow except powdered humic i bought the liquid instead.
without the powdered will i be ok with the liquid.
thanks and rep,s
Should be ok. How are you going to mix it in?


native stoner

Active Member
was going to use it with some molasses to water with.the super soil mix only calls for just water through out the grow start to finish :joint:.


Well-Known Member
Or, you could use it in the water used to wet down the SS initially?

Water and molasses sounds good also. As long as it gets in there.
