powder mildew

match box

Well-Known Member
I just had a call from a guy that wanted to know if I could make bubble bag hash with powdery mildew on the plants. Anyone know if the p/m will be toxic to other people or if this is something that he needs to compost? Thank you
Powdery Mildew doesn't produce know aflatoxins, but it tastes and smells like hammered crap, so if there is a lot present, bubble extraction may not solve your problem. We save PM infected material by extracting the resin using BHO or QWET, and then filtering down to 0.2 microns, so as to remove all mold material, as well as any bacteria present.

Once the mold material is gone, there is no taste and smell.

That only works on molds that don't produce aflatoxins, which are not filtered out at any filter pore size, as they are in solution.

Aspergillus, a composting mold living on dead plants, does produce aflatoxin, which can be pernicious, especially if you have a compromised immune system.
Why would anyone want to smoke powdery mildew? Do you think he is trying to sell it?

I don't know of anyone fond of the taste, so I infer that is a retorical question and would depend on your level of desparation.

We have extracted and cleaned PM for folks however, that didn't object to it, because they couldn't taste or smell any PM and the oil worked well. They didn't want to throw it away, because then they would be without meds.

No clue what he is trying to do with it, beyond not have to throw it away. If he was planning a dastardly deed, my guess is he would lie about it if asked..........