Potting Soil for Vegging that Won't Burn

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
I tried a few commercial potting soils, but they seem to burn too much of my little gals while vegging. I'm curious as to how a basic mix of the following will provide for my girls:

1 part humus
1 part compost manure
1 part vermiculite
1 part spaghum peat

Is this a sufficient base to allow the plants to veg, while allowing me to add nutrients as they flower?

desert fox

Well-Known Member
I like worm castings, perilite, verm, and a general all purpouse orgatic soil that is safe for seedlings. All equal parts to start. I think my all pupouse organic soil had the same ingedients you listed. I used to just use the cheapest thing I could find that was organtic and said safe for seedlings. I then throw all the leftover soil with some blood and bone meal with about a cup per cubic foot, water the shit out of it and let it cook till its time to re-pot. I then add some lime at this point. Its been a number of years since I grew and just getting back into it. I think I am going to switch to using fish ferts and seeweed instead of blood and bone. I am growing much smaller and inside vs in a garage. I just rember how much that shit stunk.

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
I'm not shooting for organic plants, but it would be a 100% organic potting soil. I don't mind adding non-organic nutes and ferts later as needed, but I guess I'm looking for more nute control with a more basic base. I'll play around with my bone meal, blood meal, colodial phosphate rock, lime, green sand, etc. during the flowering. You think that basic mix will let the babies flourish?


Well-Known Member
Have you tried Pro Mix potting soil ? Works wonders. Also when you buy potting soil make sure it says safe for seedlings, this will keep you from burning your plants since a lot of companies are adding fertilers to their soils in the last few years. If it doesn't say safe for seedlings then chances are it has fertilizers in it that will kill young plants, you can still use that soil but makes sure your plants are at least a month old first.

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
Thanks, la9. I'll check that out on the various soils. No, I haven't tried Pro-Mix, yet. I need to find someone who carries it here, locally. I haven't seen it at any of the big warehouse stores like Lowe's.

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
Alright, I transplanted 8 out of the 9 into my new mix (equal parts humus, compost, vermiculite, and spaghum). We'll see if the yellowing in the 8 goes away before the yellowing in the 1 I left in the sta-green moisture max. By the way, have you all ever compared the texture and feel of organic soil compared to that crap you buy at the store? That sta-green moisture max felt like plastic and brittle glass. It's nasty. I wanted to sanitize my whole body after playing in that wet junk.


Well-Known Member
Thanks, la9. I'll check that out on the various soils. No, I haven't tried Pro-Mix, yet. I need to find someone who carries it here, locally. I haven't seen it at any of the big warehouse stores like Lowe's.
The big stores don't carry it, usually your better quality but not chain store greenhouses carry it, it's what most use for their soil. Here is a link to the pro mix site and they have a distributor locator.


I recommend getting the organic mix in the greenbag, it's $8 a bag.

Christian for Ganja

Active Member
Man, nobody within 50 miles of me sells that stuff. But, looking at the components, I have everything to mimic it exactly. That was actually a lot of help, la9. Thanks! If I can't buy it, at least I can make my own just like it.


Well-Known Member
Man, nobody within 50 miles of me sells that stuff. But, looking at the components, I have everything to mimic it exactly. That was actually a lot of help, la9. Thanks! If I can't buy it, at least I can make my own just like it.

At least we gave it a try and you got some use out of the info.