Potting Question


Well-Known Member
Hey everyone, got a question. On my only 2 grows i rooted the seeds in a paper towel and water (which worked very well) then when rooted i planted each of them in a solo cup for about 2 weeks then put them in they're final pots. is that good or am i better off after rooting to just put them directly into the 3 gallon pots....Looking for opinions on the subject


Well-Known Member
it is almost the same, when you transplant you risk transplant shock, so if you have no space issues, you can just plant them in their final pot


Well-Known Member
thats what i was thinking. didnt know if there was a reason for small pot first. just read it on a website


Well-Known Member
It is up to what you personally prefer..no one method is better than another given the right circumstance...


Well-Known Member
the reason I go from small pots to bigger pots is to make it easier on watering and root growth. When they are young with small roots they take in much less water. Put a seedling in a 3 gallon pot and you will run into problems with over-watering I guarantee. Put a plant with a well established root system into a 3 gallon pot and the roots will go searching for water faster...making them easier to water in the end. When you water a small plant in a big bucket the bottom of the pot stays wet and can turn to muck rotting your roots. I would let the roots fill the solo cups up then transplant to 3 gallon pots.


Active Member
bro you wont have a problem transplant it to its final pot. im growing an auto right now starting seed in a 4gallon pot and no problems.