Potting Mix?


New Member
So I know that Miracle-Gro is rarely recommended for growing, but I jumped into my first grow before researching all the important, must-know things. I went bought soil, seeds, lights, ect.. Its about two months later and from what i can tell, the plants are doing great. I used this miracle-gro potting soil:


Is my yield going to suffer from using this soil or is this an okay soil to be using? I have a really low budget so if there's any inexpensive things I can add to the soil please let me know! I have not been using any nutrients which I know is also not the best if youre looking for a high yield, but I do plan on using them with the next plants I grow.


Well-Known Member
I'm not familiar with MG soils. Usually the complaint is that they have too strong nutrient values. But, NPK 0.21-0.07-0.14 doesn't sound too strong. To be on the safe side I would water for a large amount of runoff each time you feed/water. This will help flush out nutrients and salt buildup if it exists. Watering for 20-30% runoff won't hurt anything. Just wastes water. But, you definitely want to let it dry thoroughly between waterings. Get used to how the container feels when wet, and when dry. It should be remarkably light when ready for watering. If it gets too dry the leaves will droop. It's not a problem. They'll bounce back within 30 minutes after watering. (That's a good way to discover how light the container should feel. Let the leaves droop once or twice.).

Your first grow or two should be learning experiences. Just go into it with a goal of learning things you can apply to the next grow. Even if it totally fails, you will have learned things. It won't be a waste. The worst thing you can do is a shotgun approach, trying a variety of things, killing your plant with kindness. To learn things you can apply to the next grow, you need to keep your actions to a minimum so you know what caused what. Think carefully about your options and choose one at a time.

Regarding your soil, if you planted in a small container and will transplant, you can use a different soil when you transplant.


Well-Known Member
I have used m. gro on one of my first grows. It will work. the thing about miracle grow is that its what they call HOT. Very high in N and to much N, and you'll burn yr plants leaves and whatnot...there is no control over what yr plant is getting. And adding more of anything is tough with that stuff, cause as I said, it already has built in nutrients. lots of em. I tried to flush one of those plants in M gro, and holy hell, it almost killed it, cause I wasn't flushing it at all, just stiring up all that Nitrogen, and burnt the piss outta my plant.
Most growers like to control what is going into their plants, and that is why its not good for pot. use it all day for regular house plants, or whatnot, it works great...and sure, it will grow pot, just be careful on over watering.


Well-Known Member
and, you will more then likely have some harsh smoke....I know that was another prob I found using it. its all about knowing whats going in to yr plant.
I use some stuff from aurora, its like the roots organic, but a little less on the organic side, very low in any additives, and for nutrients I use the Go box. my plants have been very happy with that stuff.
maybe check it out....
https://www.google.com/shopping/product/7510258261020419591?biw=1760&bih=763&sclient=psy-ab&q=general organics go box&oq=&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.r_qf.&pf=p&tch=1&ech=13&psi=DsOAVM29BejuiAKjnoDgBA.1417724842175.1&sa=X&ei=9MOAVKLtBeGWigKC4IDgDg&sqi=2&ved=0CH4QuSQ


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
stay away from the MG POTTING MIX. I used it for seedlings and it burned them as well like others said. youll get tons of problems every time you water with those slow release nute balls popping and leaching out more nutes. i thought the .2 - .2 - .1 would be very low but its not. enough water makes those balls release and then you get over feed.

MG Organic Potting mix is okay tho. I have 2 plants going in that mixture right now. Its a soil/coco base mixture with small traces of bone and blood meal which is all okay, compared to that POTTING mix.


Well-Known Member
Don't use potting mix, period. Use organic garden SOIL. MG makes it, so does Scotts.
Better yet, mix your own.

To make 1 cubic foot (7.5 gallons) of base soil:

1/3 part peat moss
1/3 part humus (compost and/or ewc- can do all compost or all ewc or some mixture of the two)
1/3 part aeration amendment
1 cup lime (per cubic foot)
Nutritional amendments: you want to add about 2-3 cups total of all your nutritional amendments per cubic foot (7.5 gallons) of soil. Note that this means 2-3 cups total, a combination of all your nutritional amendments, not 2-3 cups of each amendment.
1 cup kelp meal
1.5 cups dry organic fertilizer

Mineral amendment: now add 4 cups of your rock dust per cubic foot (7.5 gallons) of soil

Mix all the above ingredients well. Now moisten the soil by adding water and mixing until the soil is about as damp as a well-wrung out sponge. Now let the soil sit for 3-4 weeks to allow the microbes to begin to break down the amendments and convert the nutrients into a form that the plant can use. This process of nutrient cycling is also referred to as "cooking". Neither heat nor the sun are required, the soil can "cook" inside just fine. You can go ahead and fill up the pots you plan to use and let the soil "cook" in the pots. You can moisten the soil with an ACT if desired to help jump-start the nutrient cycling process.

got that from Ganja girl a few years back
ewc= earth worm castings


Well-Known Member
I like my happy frog BUT I do find it gets to have a topsoil surface similar to a ducks ass after a bit, and watering can be kind of a 2 stage process.... otherwise it just beads n runs off the top....

Like the foxfarm ocean forest as well, have heard other report it to be a bit hot tho...

Personally, I mix 2 parts HF 2 parts FFOF, and 1 part EWC..... been adding 1 part coir to this, but have recently switched this out for roots organic, as its coir based, but full of the fun addatives im too lazy to add...

With a good soil, you can go thru your entire veg cycle without ever needing any nutes at all added. With Auto's you just add more perlite, and dont use nutes for even longer! lol


Well-Known Member
I harvest 100 plants a year with my perpetual grow, 2 plants a week, average. I use only MiracleGro Potting Mix.

After 10 years of use I have found just one drawback to using MG PM. That is you have to be careful when placing brand new seedlings into dirt for the first time. MG PM has a lot of organic nutes, mostly in the form of wood pulp. Occasionaly I'll find a large 2-3 inch splinter of wood in the MG PM and twice have lost seedlings that were smothered or pinned down by a chunk of wood. As a result I hand-sift the MG PM to remove the lumber before putting it into the solo cups I use.

Good luck, BigSteve.