what jondamon said.
I found nut deff hard to diagnose until they had advanced a bit. The more I experience my own garden, and the more pics I look at of others gardens, the better I feel I've gotten at it though. Oddly though, other than iron, I've not had a nut deff that wasn't PH based. IMO anytime you have a sign of a deficiency, your first step should be to test water and soil PH. If those are fine I would continue with your normal routine, and if it gets worse you will be able to tell more as it progresses. On the good side once you identify them they are easy to fix, just go get the required compound from your local hydro/garden store. Most micronutes are not mobile, so there is a chance that the leaves which have been effected will not recover, but they should stop getting worse, and new growth should be fine.