Pots or No Pots?


New Member
I am doing an outdoor grow of about 20 plants. Unfortunately the soil at the grow spot is serpentine soil, which is high in heavy metals and lacks all key growing nutrients. I plan on using a miracle grow organic and perlite mix for soil, but I am wondering whether I should use pots outdoors, or simply dig holes and fill them with the soil mixture. A few things to consider... i'd rather not spend money on 20 large pots, and also I am trying not to limit plant size if possible by using pots. Anyway, I was wondering if the hole digging method could be detrimental to the plants because of the existing bad soil, or if that method is perfectly doable. All feedback is appreciated as long as it's not just hating on MG soils.

LoRd MeGaTR0N31

Well-Known Member
I am doing an outdoor grow of about 20 plants. Unfortunately the soil at the grow spot is serpentine soil, which is high in heavy metals and lacks all key growing nutrients. I plan on using a miracle grow organic and perlite mix for soil, but I am wondering whether I should use pots outdoors, or simply dig holes and fill them with the soil mixture. A few things to consider... i'd rather not spend money on 20 large pots, and also I am trying not to limit plant size if possible by using pots. Anyway, I was wondering if the hole digging method could be detrimental to the plants because of the existing bad soil, or if that method is perfectly doable. All feedback is appreciated as long as it's not just hating on MG soils.
I say NO pots. Also just do what I did my outside dirt was shit. I bought perlite, bat guano, kelp& alfalfa meal and azomite and dolomite lime and just mixed with my outside dirt. My plants look great.


New Member
Also, the ground is very wet. There is a nearby river.... would that be a good or bad thing?


Active Member
well i see ur in maryland so actually big enough pots IMO would be jus fine if like u said u didnt mind spending the money on some...jus make sure they good ones not some cheap have ass ones lol and if they black spray paint the outsides white so the sun dont bake the soil u select..which u said it was gonna be MG organtic well make sure its intended for pots cuz they make many varieties some for strictly pots some for strictly in ground useq and some for both pot and in ground...so make sure u read b-4 u buy..lol...and still add perlite good drainage is a must....but if do decide to go in-ground 20 plants is gonna cover some land....wanna make sure ur atleast 4-5 ft minimum apart from each other...with the soil always stayin moist well add a lil more perlite than normal to the mix or even add a lil sand to the mix as well...and at the bottom of ur holes add about 2 inches of pea gravel b-4 u add the soil mix this will also help with good drainage....good luck with ur decision and happy growin :leaf::clap:


Well-Known Member
No pots unless youre looking for less of a yield. I did a guerrilla grow in the hills off the side of a canyon three years in a row . Advanced is sort of a joke, but I still swear by their Iguana Juice for indoor organics, and Heavy Harvest pellets for outdoor. Just sprinkled the pellets on the ground and watered via a 600 gallon tank we smuggled in and filled by way of a 4" corrugated pipe up the hill as a conduit.
Heavy Harvest claims to buffer pH and the pellets are slow dissolve/time released. Amazing product ime and would use it again. I'm done with outdoor however unless I ever move away from the beach and find myself dwelling on a few acres. Not likely.


New Member
As far as soil goes, I plan on a simple mix: 3 parts- miracle grow organic garden soil, 1 part- perlite. I understand that their are a variety of other much better soils, but I need one that isn't too pricey and is sold at home depot. I've heard great stuff about kellog patio plus and fox farm, but nowhere sells kellog and FF is way too expensive. Any recommendations for a better soil that I could buy at home depot? Or do you think I will be fine with what I have planned?... and i'd rather not mix my own soil even though ik that it's the best way. trying to expedite this process because i'm running behind...