Pots! For Pot


Well-Known Member
Why plant seeds in little cups or whatever first? With all the money saving tips floating around I don't undedrstand why not just start the germinated seeds in a gallon-sized pot to begin with?

Save money on materials.
Save plants from transplantation shock

What am I missing?

peace and thanks


well sort of.. I germinate seeds in rockwool.. then... place the rockwool in soil a few days after the seed has germintaed.. PURRRFECTO!!

: )
The reason for all the small cups is so I can put a shitload in a small area. If you are only going to grow a few then I would say sure start them in bigger pots.
lol have u seen a twenty dollar bill. Have u seen a twenty dollar bill on weed, u can see the people in the bushes in front of the white house, red team go, red team go.

Man u gotta love the movie Half Baked .