Well-Known Member
just got done doing some vulnerability penetration tests against the site.
quite a few problems..
anyhow.. I also did a brute attack against the site using HTTP(Basic Auth)
Brutus ran the wordlists against the site, it popped up two usernames/passwords
for on port 80.
So, I've got two of their accounts passwords and usernames..
the only problem I'm having.. is I can't remember for the life of me.. where I go from here.. to use the usernames and passwords that Brutus snatched for me.
I haven't been in the hacking/cracking seen.. since.. shit... its' been a good 10 years. I started way back in 1994.. back when Windows 3.1 was the generic platform for computers.
If anyone here, has any info they would like to share with me, please.. feel free to do just that. I've got the usernames with matching passwords.. I just can't remember for the life of me.. where I go from here.
I can use telnet, to connect to the IP of the site.. but, port 80 through telnet doesn't bring up a user/pass screen. So, that to me is useless.
Anyhow, I'm going to go back to trying other forms of Brute. I guess I could try their mail network. I know that most networks, when they have pop3 and or smtp ports open (25 and 110).. I can connect to the sites IP.. only.. this time.. using either port 25 or 110.. and usually these will have pass/user screens.
I guess I'll just keep trying on my own.. but any help is appreciated.
quite a few problems..
anyhow.. I also did a brute attack against the site using HTTP(Basic Auth)
Brutus ran the wordlists against the site, it popped up two usernames/passwords
for on port 80.
So, I've got two of their accounts passwords and usernames..
the only problem I'm having.. is I can't remember for the life of me.. where I go from here.. to use the usernames and passwords that Brutus snatched for me.
I haven't been in the hacking/cracking seen.. since.. shit... its' been a good 10 years. I started way back in 1994.. back when Windows 3.1 was the generic platform for computers.
If anyone here, has any info they would like to share with me, please.. feel free to do just that. I've got the usernames with matching passwords.. I just can't remember for the life of me.. where I go from here.
I can use telnet, to connect to the IP of the site.. but, port 80 through telnet doesn't bring up a user/pass screen. So, that to me is useless.
Anyhow, I'm going to go back to trying other forms of Brute. I guess I could try their mail network. I know that most networks, when they have pop3 and or smtp ports open (25 and 110).. I can connect to the sites IP.. only.. this time.. using either port 25 or 110.. and usually these will have pass/user screens.
I guess I'll just keep trying on my own.. but any help is appreciated.