Potential Dank?


New Member
in already into 6 weeks on a bag seed grow. its a female and the stem is mostly purple with some green. and the branches are purple and it smells fire. it was just bag seed. am i going to get some dank or does it just look good.:weed:


Well-Known Member
potential 0.5g of fluff. I think you should get some new seeds, do some reading on how to grow, and then try again. Not bad for a first try and one light though.

Eddie G.

Well-Known Member

If anything your gonna get a bowl of meh...

And just wondering WTF "Fire" weed is?...Never heard anyone in canada call weed that..Even loser wannabe gangsters dont.
people in chicago and dallas use that term. and i didnt know canada even had wannabe gangsters lol


New Member
lol yah fire is really good. fire, fuego, flame lol. i live in florida in like the ghetto. lol but im not ghetto. how much longer till you think it will bud?


Well-Known Member
prob 5 more weeks. What wattage lights are u using? and it looks like you're using the wrong lights. You want 2700k colored lights, and at least 80 watts to get some decent yield.

read the faq it will help you out a lot. Not to break your spirit, but the way it looks like it's going, it's just going to be some fluffy bud. and in case that's not clear, fluffy bud is not good.

increase wattage and change the color of lights, and that will increase your yield. It's a little late to truly increase your yield, as you have already switched to flowering. Next time start with high wattage from veg state.


Well-Known Member
6 weeks flowering?? or just 6 weeks growing? looks like you still have like 6 weeks left. keep as much light on it as possible. it looks like it is still really early in the flowering stage, so it is hard to tell how it will turn out. at worst, if money is low, i would go out and buy at least a couple more compact flouros and two hooded fixtures to throw on there. that will cost you like 20 bucks to do and will help out a little with yeild, cause it aint lookin like you will get much.