Potent Mix


Well-Known Member
Welcome, i have recently started a new grow, im still to get bits for the grow room as i lost my entire set up a good few months back when the PIGs found my so called cannabis factory, at a friends house, anyways, i have here a mixture of cheese and supposedly warlock, but hes not sure as he mixed up the cuttingsm these have been growing for about 3 weeks, they been growing slow because of factors which i know about, Heat, but recently have started grwoing nicely, heres some pictures, there currently on 2ml of Bio-Gro per litre of water......these pics are on the 24th May



Well-Known Member
Pics from today the 27th May , huge difference in growth and green, i feed them 2ml/1l, biogrom every 3 days then water in between, flush end of week then repeat, there growing nicely, hope to put them in Flower, when there approx 2 feet in height:joint:



Well-Known Member

Today was the 2nd of June, the girls are doing well considering, sh!t conditions, i cant even monitor, temperature nor the water Ph, anyway the Ph meter should be here with-in a few days, along with the hygrometer, im still yet to pick up the tent which includes, a 600w light n shade, tent, extractor fan, the tent is going in my wardrobe, anyway i fed the girls there biggest feed yet, 3ml BioGro per 1 litre of water, they should handle it the roots have out grown those pots within one week of transplanting from one 5 times smaller :S, they gonna go into bigger pots when i pick up some more perlite, ill get some pics tommorrow lost my phone today, not sure where i left it one of 2 places.....also just went out side its it stinks im sure someone is growing up my street i wonder who smells good anyhow


Well-Known Member
Pics from 3rd June



Well-Known Member
Tommorrow ill be off to get some bigger pots,
the current pots have been out rooted by far :hump:, yay for good roots there very white and healthy,BUT, the plants are showing signs of something, im thinking Ph problem? if you can, look closely at some leaves, there yellow but not the lack of N yellow, its patchey can anyone confirm this problem?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
If your flushing them once a week your washing the feed out and probably over watering.

What do you mean by flushing how much water are you running through the pots and why?

I dont think its ph, looks more like there being poisoned?


Well-Known Member
If your flushing them once a week your washing the feed out and probably over watering.

What do you mean by flushing how much water are you running through the pots and why?

I dont think its ph, looks more like there being poisoned?

not really flushing, just running about half litre of water thru them each week if that, just to wash away and build up, dunno what can be poisen em :S

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
½ a lit is not a flush double the pot volume is more of a flush.

Do you water untill you get a bit of run off from the bottom of the pot same with feeding then let the pot dry out?

Need some more input, what light are you using you said your waiting on the 600?

At 2ml per lit feed

3ml per lit feed with no other changes

I would say drop back down to 2ml per lit it looks like they are showing slight burn.


Well-Known Member
Need some more input, what light are you using you said your waiting on the 600?

would say drop back down to 2ml per lit it looks like they are showing slight burn.
ok bro will do, i just hit em with 7 ml per 2 litres, because there was some yellow leaves :( they seem ok, ill check em in the morning, but ill take em back to 2 ml, i got 600w HPS, no temp no ph, using, biogrow, im currently growing in a wardrobe, with no0 reflective sheeting one fan that ia about 8-9 inch diameter, there out rooted there pots, too much perlite i think....i leave my water to sit for 2-3days, feed them every 2-3 days, not always biggrow, just plain water at times, a minor flush every now and then, for what reason i dont know, do you have to flush with organics, or is it just the synthetic shit ? thanks for ya help

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
I flush at the end of flowering, but I always water and feed untill I get a bit of run off from the pot.
1 more thing what soil do you use? if it has pre nutes in it you dont need to feed for 4 weeks

sorry mate I edited last post lol.


Well-Known Member
peat free from b and q mate, with added perlite, its pretty low on nutes, i think, the girls are doing just fine today, they look better fater that feed, but still got problem, but i really need to manage ph and temps before tryin to sort this problem out the conditions are NOT ideal , ill take em back down to 2 ml, you think?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
From looking at the pics yes.
The bq soil Contains essential plant nutrients and trace elements released through watering for up to 4 weeks.
Have you got good ventilation?
What are your temps?


Well-Known Member
no idea mate as i said bro cant manage ph or temp, ill read the soil bag, see what it says, ill get back to ya


Well-Known Member
is it just me dose it look to be slight burn :S? ive never see em out of the powerful beam of the 600w hps :?, yea gotta agree with wizz you said was slight burn, ill lower the nutes i think aint fed them since last time they look alot better

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
It dose look like slight burn just water them I think its because of the feed in the soil being released as well as you adding feed with the water.


Well-Known Member
ok ill feed em water till it clears then drop back to 2 ml, just got a sony cyber shot dsc w300, the 13.6 mega pix woohoo, takes a goood pic even with lights on


Well-Known Member
10th June

Aint watered the plants for a few days there nice n dry and reaching for the beam, as they have been over watered on our last meeting, but i did drop back to 2 ml B/Gro per one litre, seem to have responded well,

as for the soil wizzz, it say added nutrients that will last 4 weeks as yo said, you really are a little farmer aint ya even knew it would last 4 weeks :D:D

