Potassium deficiency/ changing nutrients

hopfuly this is the right thread to post

Attached pic of a skywalk og auto in week three of veg. I low stress trained to get an even canopy and saw the lower branch leaves are curling in on itself. Not exactly sure whats going on but from my references it seems to be potassium deficient.
The higher parts or the plant are not showing the signs.
To fix the situation i was also wondering if changing the nutrients at this point would have a negative effect. Im using fox farm trio at half strength now and kind of dont want to up the dosage because of how expensive it is. I do have left over general hydroponics trio that does have higher percentages of npk all together.

Any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated


3rd Monkey

Well-Known Member
You happen to know at all what could be causing the lower leaves to curl like that? Its only on one branch and i make sure my hands are clean when i fuck with it.
Could have been anything honestly. Did you transplant around the time that branch was new growth?