Potassium and mint?

Using potassium additive to help keep mold and pm from plants and a mint spray for bugs. Using fish shit every water and frog farms veg Connoisseur stage 2 every other to two day with watering my girls seem happy but I’d there anything else I should add in? First time growing outside first grow in 7 years. Doin my research but like the advise from real people growing


Well-Known Member
Using potassium additive to help keep mold and pm from plants and a mint spray for bugs. Using fish shit every water and frog farms veg Connoisseur stage 2 every other to two day with watering my girls seem happy but I’d there anything else I should add in? First time growing outside first grow in 7 years. Doin my research but like the advise from real people growing
I use a potassium silicate foliar outdoors and it does work to prevent PM. I also add sesame oil which is a pest deterrent. I don't add any oil after the plants have started flowering.

As for mint, some claim that it does deter pests but I grow both peppermint and spearmint and the spearmint will get eaten by bugs. I know that aphids will eat spearmint. They seem to leave the peppermint alone and from my own research of ingredients used in organic pest products they all seem to use peppermint oil if they have any mint in them.


Well-Known Member
Mint essential oil is the active ingredient in a lot of deer repellent sprays. You could try some coyote pee sprayed around the patch too. I used to have more problems with animals than with insects outdoors, but I would spray with neem/insecticidal soap once per week as part of your IPM.


Well-Known Member
As far as fish emulsion goes, I know a guy that uses nothing but Alaska Fish 5-1-1 fertilizer. That's all he's ever used and has been growing damn good weed outdoors for decades.


Well-Known Member
Fish emulsion are actual fish fish shit is fish shit. I'll use both never back to back follow directions

Worm leachate diluted, worm castings bubbled, fulvic acid, mycorrhizae with molasses, kelp me kelp you, microbrew few of the other things to water with, instead of the same things back to back

Dry amendment Teas diluted
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Well-Known Member
I know what it is which I why I suggested what I did. If you're using it every watering, that will get expensive you may not care I'm not spending 130$ a grow for a bottle of fish shit. Using the other organic watering does the same thing just not with the same product. The bottle I bought today the 120ml is just 20 waterings. That's per gallon single plant. You have 4 plants that'll only get you 5 waterings.


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I know what it is which I why I suggested what I did. If you're using it every watering, that will get expensive you may not care I'm not spending 130$ a grow for a bottle of fish shit. Using the other organic watering does the same thing just not with the same product. The bottle I bought today the 120ml is just 20 waterings. That's per gallon single plant. You have 4 plants that'll only get you 5 waterings.
Sorry if it came off dickish I read you answer quick and I saw the other one just didn’t know it did the same thing thank you I will be saving money lmao


Well-Known Member
can you use fish fert 5 1 1 on an in earth grow the last month or two of a grow?
You really shouldn’t need fish fert the last few weeks as it’s high in nitrogen you would want something with higher phosphorus and potassium as that’s what the plant is wanting more of.


Active Member
The girl is directly in the dirt. 30” High fence around her. She’s looking good and I don’t want her to be hungry. Thinking she might like a weak solution of fish?