Potash Deficiency?


Well-Known Member
I have grown more than a few great plants using the Miracle Gro crystals. It even has micros like Cu. I mean complete grows and a lot of them. It was all we could get in the 60's. It's easy to overfertilize with it.
I used MG on my first outdoor. Haha it was definitely too much N during flower, and I knew basically nothing about how to feed or how often to feed or how often to water for that matter. But it was the blue MG ferts. Thats chemy stuff. I pulled on the low side because of obviously having no knowledge, but 5 zips per plants dry. And a mini stalk of 23g that I didnt top at all.


Well-Known Member
I have grown more than a few great plants using the Miracle Gro crystals. It even has micros like Cu. I mean complete grows and a lot of them. It was all we could get in the 60's. It's easy to overfertilize with it.
I've even seen guys do hydro with it...though not for a few decades.


Well-Known Member
pH going in is always 5.9-6.1. pH coming out is always near the 4.9 to 5.5 range. The Sensibloom is pH perfect so I don't need to test it but I always do. I am using Blue Lab pH and EC probes (EC is always between 1.7 - 2.0 going in).
The ph perfect your using is designed for hydro.
I know its chelated but you won’t get the same results from sensi ph perfect in soil as you do in hydro.
I agree with hotrodharley, plants look over fertilised.


Well-Known Member
For what it's worth, I see a ph problem, not necessarily an overfeeding problem. Those leaves in the full plant pic say ph. I'm not saying overfeeding isn't contributing... That's why I asked if water could be sitting in the bottom where the roots are balled up, in an acidic solution. I don't know anything about ph perfect but I don't think any roots like a ph below 5.5.
I’ve tried using ph perfect in soil..... won’t do that again! :roll: