Pot + Tomato = Pomato

well grafting won't work because you need to change the plant at the molecular level BUT ain't science a wonderful thing - in the early days of GM it was thought that all you had to do was find the gene and splice it into something else - hey presto instant change. WRONG!

However it is possible to produce THC in the tomato leaves only (the fruit - well you'll need something to eat when you get the munchies -lol) , and it leaves the goverments of the world (especially the USA) up the sh*t creek without a paddle - so much for their plans to erradicate it through biological warfare. You can't put a ban :peace:on tomatoes can you?::mrgreen: and it gets away from all those expensive indoor lamps. problems with sexing plants etc. just grow them in your garden, allotment, greenhouse - even next door to Mr Plod's house. Ah well, back to the greenhouse.:blsmoke:
well some1 i kno said back in the day they grafted a pot plant to a lemon tree.and said the buds had a citrus taste.

ive seen pics of the plant.but im still not a believer
another plant that cannabis in theory could be grafted to is a hackberry, which produces a small drupe (typically a berry). hackberries are known for their drought tolerance. also they are trees so it would be a very interesting end product seeing that they grow from about 10m to 25m.
well if all you're doing by grafting is allowing the root system to feed the graft, apple growers have been doing it for centuries. You seem to think grafting will somehow cause the plant to share its biological properties - sorry mate, it don't work that way.
Perhaps I should send you some of my genetically enhanced tom plant seeds for you to grow - no grafting required.
yea tomacco! thats right i forgot about that, everything i know must be wrong, cuz i saw homer do it! lol i love the simpsons!
I understand that in apple trees it is sometimes used to dwarf the tree. so can you do it the other way and create a hackberry sized tree out of a indica?
if you could would it still have thc?
pretty sure the only thing pot can be GRAFTED onto is hops, maybe hackberrys too. but gene splicing might be possible although it would take a lot of work and money.
they dont sting if you cook them... I dont know why... but I dont want to eat them anyway... some people smoke them.
Nettles can be cooked or made into a tea, the high temperature destroys the needle-like, toxin filled trichomes that give the plant its name.
I can confirm from personal experience that sap from the Dock Leaf is very effective in neutralising the painful effects of a nettle sting! :)
Not heard of anyone smoking them before, sounds disgusting!
A quick idea: nettles used as a defense against animals, thieves, and just as general ground cover for the early days of your babies' time on Earth?

Think I'll try that here in a few months.