well grafting won't work because you need to change the plant at the molecular level BUT ain't science a wonderful thing - in the early days of GM it was thought that all you had to do was find the gene and splice it into something else - hey presto instant change. WRONG!
However it is possible to produce THC in the tomato leaves only (the fruit - well you'll need something to eat when you get the munchies -lol) , and it leaves the goverments of the world (especially the USA) up the sh*t creek without a paddle - so much for their plans to erradicate it through biological warfare. You can't put a ban
on tomatoes can you?:
and it gets away from all those expensive indoor lamps. problems with sexing plants etc. just grow them in your garden, allotment, greenhouse - even next door to Mr Plod's house. Ah well, back to the greenhouse.
However it is possible to produce THC in the tomato leaves only (the fruit - well you'll need something to eat when you get the munchies -lol) , and it leaves the goverments of the world (especially the USA) up the sh*t creek without a paddle - so much for their plans to erradicate it through biological warfare. You can't put a ban