Pot to small ?


Well-Known Member
Repot now, someone with more experience will be along soon, it seems to me that it should be repotted now.


Well-Known Member
I usually transplant my seedlings from solo cups before the tap root hits bottom of the solo cup, usually at about a week old... transplanting at 3 weeks, it's risky as it should be flowering. If you're gonna do it, do it now.


Well-Known Member
well, imo, you could repot at this point, it really wouldn't hurt. It also wouldn't hurt to veg it out a little bit longer as I doubt they are root bound yet, but it they are probably getting close. But for three weeks old, they honestly ought to be bigger and more established by now. My 3 wk girls are usually repotted and topped 1st time at around this point. *assuming photo, if auto repot ASAP!