Pot Size


Well-Known Member
Hi all, i currently have five plants that are about 6weeks into veg and they are in 2gallon pots. Will that be fine for the rest of the grow or should i up the size....i know the general rule is a gallon of pot to a foot of growth but if the two gallon pots are fine i don't want to mess with them. Happy growing-:joint:Tokey:joint:

Mr Bomb

Active Member
Plants that have been vegged for 6 weeks will outgrow 2 gallon pots very quickly once flowering has begun. Upsize your pots soon to avoid stress while flowering.


Well-Known Member
Rootbound roots dont hold water for shit. You have to keep watering them and watering them and watering them. Plants tend to double or triple when they flower. 5 gallon buckets are the best, but take up a lot of room indoors.