pot size question dwarf and medium grow

I'm starting a new grown with dwarfs and i'm wondering which size pots i can go with, if i can go small than i can have more room for more dwarfs, but i don't wanna go too small and have the roots run out of room and such.


Well-Known Member
i would say a good size would be 1 gallon pots i have had full sized plants in gallon pots and had no problem
Boy I probably should've worded the title a little better maybe could've said planters but my mind is shot.

Anyway, I have the gallon pots now, but I'm wondering if I go with smaller pots since there smaller plants could that still work out pretty well?


Active Member
check out smartpots (a quick forum search will bring some stuff up) - they seem like a good compromise between size and growth capability


Well-Known Member
I dont think would be a problem. I usually dont switcg my plants over to the gallon til about 2 weeks b4 flowering give it ago and if u notice strain on the plants transplant them