pot/plant ratio?? ;-))


Well-Known Member
ok,,so evryone musta howled over the plant/pot ratio in F4T4L's thread,,I check just to see if any one else asked,,and his responses are great,,love the Cap's F4T4L,,ok,,,so maybe it's a myth that roots will get bound,,cuz as someone pointed out,,all you need is more nutes and water to feed the mass,,made sense to me,,long as the pot is big enough,,,BUT,,has anyone chopped a plant after determining sex,,at ground level,,and just threw the pot aside,,looked at it a week later,,,and seen a new sprout coming out of the dirt,,cuz I have,,I could take pics of a male on my balcony right now,,that I have chopped,,left out there and didn't care for,,and it still shoots out new sprouts now,,almost 3 weeks later,,, I pick em off when I see em,,and growl,,,so myth or not,,,I personally think,,the males he believes will be gone,,,will come back to haunt him in the end,,maybe alotta hermies,,or whatever,,,he will lose more than he will gain by not buying a 120 pack of beer cups,,,,anyone care to pipe in,,lol,,pipe in,,,:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin



Active Member
I really didnt understand much of what you were trying to say. hah, sorry.
although, it could possibly be because I am ripped.


Well-Known Member
Never seen that bro. But ya 1 plant per pot!!! I don't understand why people try to do more than that. I mean, at the very least - if you have to chop one or have 1 die on ya it's decaying roots can affect the other plants and spoil the whole pot.
So many issues and reasons just to do it the right way and not risk it.


Well-Known Member
I agree shamegame,,but some don't,,just curious who knows what:mrgreen:

Keep on Growin
