Pot heads in Dubai makes 80 story Skyscraper that moves sweet!


Well-Known Member
fuck that skyscrapper.......its cool looking...but that is what those cocksuckers over there are doing with the $4.50 a gallon we are paying for gas....its a fuckin travesty what those people do over there.........anybody ever hear about the license plate auctions....
Actually, our gas has ballooned to $4.50/gal not because these guys are lining their pockets, it's because the Federal Reserve is fucking you and everyone else in the United States by inflating our currency.

Gold versus oil, metals and currencies

Your dollar simply doesn't buy as much as it used to because there are too many of them.


Well-Known Member
I gotta say Mjetta is right, "those cocksuckers" as you label them, are not all just one group of people... Dubai is quite liberal and capitalist for the middle east- they are a gleaming beacon of what peace can form in the middle east- an area of international commerce and business.

Kind of assumptive to call them those cocksuckers.
you are absolutely right....i have no right to generalize a whole city because of my own feelings about my gas tank....this still doesnt make up for the fact that these guys are over there paying millions of dollars for ridiculous status symbols bought with overpriced oil money...


Well-Known Member
i dont really know what to say.

you have Marley, the most peace loving man in you sig.

why the mongering?


Well-Known Member
i dont really know what to say.

you have Marley, the most peace loving man in you sig.

why the mongering?
while marley was a peaceful man ...he was first and foremost a champion against babylon and the money making war machines that are terrifying the world through religion and war.....one thing that you have to remember is that this is the arab emerites....a society that is ruled under islamic law.....while the economy might be booming over there it is still an islamic ruled country....this has nothing to do with terrorism..it has to do with building a society witch rejects infidels or non muslim people as beneath them....this is a country that is being build with oil money funneled all through out the arab empire using slave labor.....im not war mongering or saying that islam is bad....alot of my friends are arab muslims who would tell you the same thing....believe what you want in what you read......but the fact still remains that dubai is one of the largest citys in the arab emerites and the main export over there has been and will be oil.....weather or not it is in there ground or the neighbors ground...while you say im mongering and spreading hate...i wish not to congragulate a society which is striving for world power through religion and economics only to turn around and look down on and see me as a second class citizen only because i dont subscribe to there ideology.....while the u.s. shares these same problems....i wont be imprisoned here for these remarks....
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OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member
your understanding of islam is skewed.

If you have heard of the islamic term shura you would now that islam can be quite democratic- with a group consensus being foremost.

Also if you can go back in time- you may remember the crusades, a slightly brutal killing campaign lead and started by the christians... above and beyond that you may remember the muslim response...

Their only response was not to lash out with violence, but rather they actually continued to allow chiristian worshipers within their villages to continue to go to the church of the holly seplecur- if you know, that is one of the most famous and oldest christian churches- it is even rumored that jesus is buried near by.... The muslims, even after having legitimate reasons, have never ever destroyed it, and have always allowed -'people of the book' (what muslims call christians and jews) to continue to practice their faith and their religion.

So while we (the mass empire you claim to reject) burnt down their holy sites and raped their women and children. they continued to allow Christians to be free and exercise their religion.

They in no way reject non-muslim people- maybe to some degree in iran... but really are we making our harshest comparisons possible....

Perhaps spewing fact is better then fiction. Do some research, what you say is offensive, to me, and to others.

Its down right ignorant-

This thread began as a celebration of another cultures ingenuity and creativity- you have destroyed all the value in this thread.


Well-Known Member
very true. I dont think these societies are as intolerant as some may expect.

Iran, which has a bad name worldwide and is considered anti-semetic has the largest Jewish population outside of Isreal in the Middle East. The Jews there go back thousands of years and are very loyal. There is beautiful synogogues all over, and there is even Jewish representation in the government. Its almost nothing like the media makes it out to be.


Active Member
watch this google video call dubailand it shows the plans for that country talk about some crazy asss shit i wish i was ballin and could just blow and do something different in dubai each day......crazy