pot city USA


Well-Known Member
Those folk bitching about how it ruined their town... umm ya because it's still technically illegal and there still lots of money to be had..... would Al Capone and the gangsters of the 20's have had a job after prohibition No probably not..... and so not until it is completely legal will the craziness about it end.

That's my opinion of the "this ruined my town folks"


Active Member
It was exactly like that one al roker did on cnbc or msnbc a few months back in mendicino.
Only dif was Al Roker put the growers esp the medical growers in a much better light.
I would like to see how the complainers act when the economy is crippled over a sudden
crack down.
like it or not it plays a big role in the regions economy now.


Well-Known Member
that documentary was gay,they try to make it seem all bad .

i bet the number of explosions from meth labs is close to the number of grow houses or whatever lighting of fire and shit lol and if you live in an area like that and rent houses and dont make sure to get a fat deposit than your a fucking idiot these days .

i wish i could go out front of my house and smell trees from all my neighbors and shit i could just imagine being like hey i dont harvest for 5 weeks can i borrow a zip or 2 to get me by til then?


Well-Known Member
the whole thrust of the show was how commercial grows can fuck up a house.did you see the damage?im glad its not one of my propertys fucked up like that.everyone was pretty sympathic to med. marj. shit sum of those house are going to need major coin to fix.i dont see how you couldnt feel for the owners.


Active Member
The best part of that show was that guy crying to the city council..... " theres a grow house right next to me, everyday step out of my house and i can smell it and see the meter spinning " LOOOOOL!!!!

What a dork
that was funny, the city council couldn't care less what he was saying...Its like, oh god this damn guy again, doesn't he have anything better to do...doesnt he get that nobody cares he lives next to a grow house....LOL


Active Member
that was funny, the city council couldn't care less what he was saying...Its like, oh god this damn guy again, doesn't he have anything better to do...doesnt he get that nobody cares he lives next to a grow house....LOL
Maan, me n a buddy were smoking a j watching this..... every time this guy would come on we would laugh histaricly like lil kids rolling around.......... i almost started crying hahaahahaah

what a faggot LOOOOOL!!!!