Pot and your kids: what is your opinoin?


Well-Known Member
I had a conversation with someone about what they will/ will not tell their kids about pot, and what their experiences were. I'm wondering what the people of RIU think about this. If you have kids, do they know you smoke? Do you think that they should be taught that marijuana legalization is bad? Do you agree that marijuana legalization would send a bad message to young people? if you don't have kids, would you tell them?

I want to know your thoughts...

I for one will tell my kids about my using pot. I believe that if taught to respect and enjoy responsibly, kids will not be stupid with it. My parents let me drink at a really young age, now I'm 22 and don't drink, I don't have any attraction to alcohol what-so-ever. And I believe that this is because my parents taught me how to be responsible, they taught me that you need to respect substances and be responsible with your actions. We need to teach our kids to think for themselves, to seek out the truth and question what they are taught in schools. All schools have an agenda that may not be what you think it is. Schools teach your kids to follow what they are told and accept that as the truth. I for one think that NOT legalizing marijuana is sending the wrong message to our children.


Well-Known Member
I believe my kids will know when they are old enough i will sit them down and give them a history lesson aboout marijuana. I will tell them everything i know about it and let them make their decision. It would be a mistake to just let them hear the propaganda that is pushed in schools, TV, radio ect... They deserve to know all the facts before they can make a inteligent decission


Well-Known Member
I never hid the fact I smoked from my kids. They are both college age now, very smart very good kids, they both smoke. I for one would much rather have them smoke and drive..then drink and drive. Just an opinion..


Well-Known Member
...We need to teach our kids to think for themselves, to seek out the truth and question what they are taught in schools. All schools have an agenda that may not be what you think it is. Schools teach your kids to follow what they are told and accept that as the truth. I for one think that NOT legalizing marijuana is sending the wrong message to our children.
Ditto. I am honest and open about it. I try not to hide anything and I believe that fosters a healthy, honest relationship.


Well-Known Member
I believe my kids will know when they are old enough i will sit them down and give them a history lesson aboout marijuana. I will tell them everything i know about it and let them make their decision. It would be a mistake to just let them hear the propaganda that is pushed in schools, TV, radio ect... They deserve to know all the facts before they can make a inteligent decission
that's what I'm saying......


Well-Known Member
*snip*I believe that if taught to respect and enjoy responsibly, kids will not be stupid with it. *snip* And I believe that this is because my parents taught me how to be responsible, they taught me that you need to respect substances and be responsible with your actions. We need to teach our kids to think for themselves, to seek out the truth and question what they are taught in schools.*snip*
Exactly. my parents had this same attitude towards tobacco and alcohol. They didn't really discuss pot, but my brother and I just applied the same principles to it. Kids need a fair view of both sides before they can form an opinion. Don't just try to force down what you want like the schools/government do.

*snip* I had a huge post here about underage alcohol and such, but that isn't what this post is about. To sum it up, parents need to teach and introduce their kids to things safely, and teach their kids to question everything and get as much info as they can before making an informed decision. Regulating things too much and restricting knowledge leads to improper and harmful knowledge and use, and causes more problems than before when something was regulated.


New Member
Ditto. I am honest and open about it. I try not to hide anything and I believe that fosters a healthy, honest relationship.
and ditto again lol.I have always been truthful with my kids...17 and 20...I never smoked in front them, but if they asked I told them the truth...my parents lied to me about everything...lol


Well-Known Member
Exactly. my parents had this same attitude towards tobacco and alcohol. They didn't really discuss pot, but my brother and I just applied the same principles to it. Kids need a fair view of both sides before they can form an opinion. Don't just try to force down what you want like the schools/government do.

*snip* I had a huge post here about underage alcohol and such, but that isn't what this post is about. To sum it up, parents need to teach and introduce their kids to things safely, and teach their kids to question everything and get as much info as they can before making an informed decision. Regulating things too much and restricting knowledge leads to improper and harmful knowledge and use, and causes more problems than before when something was regulated.
I'm glad that there are others out there, during this conversation with this other person, they just didn't agree, they wanted to let the government teach them and thier friends teach them until they asked him about it. that way of thinking just doesn't make sense to me.


Well-Known Member
and ditto again lol.I have always been truthful with my kids...17 and 20...I never smoked in front them, but if they asked I told them the truth...my parents lied to me about everything...lol
So did mine! And I hated when they smoked weed cuz of that. All I knew is that the cops who spoke in my class were telling me marijuana was bad. Finally at around 10, I broke down and cried to my mom and she said "One day, you and I will be smoking weed together, I promise."
She really ticked me off then and I wish she would have explained better, but she didnt. Now I look back and think its funny, cuz we have smoked quite a bit together. I cant help but wonder how I would have felt if she would have broke it down for me at 10, I would have understood.


Well-Known Member
my kid is 2 and i think that when she is ready 2 know, i will tell her abot my experinces with weed. my mom and dad did the same 4 me.


Well-Known Member
people seem to think that their kids are stupid, no matter how smart they claim their kids are. they don't think that they can understand and comprehend things very well. but think about it, when you were younger, did you understand? when you were inrolled in the forced DARE program, did you understand what the officers were telling you? I sure did, I didn't believe that they were telling the truth, but I understood what they were telling me. I just wish that parents would really take the time to talk to their kids instead of putting it off for the public school system to teach them. that will only lead to stupid citizens that follow blindly anything that they are told.


Well-Known Member
people seem to think that their kids are stupid, no matter how smart they claim their kids are. they don't think that they can understand and comprehend things very well. but think about it, when you were younger, did you understand? when you were inrolled in the forced DARE program, did you understand what the officers were telling you? I sure did, I didn't believe that they were telling the truth, but I understood what they were telling me. I just wish that parents would really take the time to talk to their kids instead of putting it off for the public school system to teach them. that will only lead to stupid citizens that follow blindly anything that they are told.
Word. Btw. Love your avatar. I have a pic of my daughter pretty much doing the same thing with a playboy.... now I wanna find the pic. That is just too cute!


Well-Known Member
haha, yeah I just found it, thought it was halarious, wish I had that type of reading material at that age...


Well-Known Member
haha, yeah I just found it, thought it was halarious, wish I had that type of reading material at that age...
Found it! Although its bad quality taken from my cell about 2 years back. Its just a lingerie playboy but she was so into it I couldnt resist taking a pic.


Well-Known Member
my parents were both honest and forth right with me and my brother. they both smoke. My dad recently quit because he has no interest. but niether me or my brother started to smoke until we where about 17ish and we both have jobs and go to college and I believe have it as a managable hobby due to my parents being honest.