Postponing curing?!


Active Member
Hey everybody, I just had a quick question about curing. If I didn't have time to cure the harvested and dried herb (because I'm leaving town), is it ok to begin the curing process for 3 or 4 days (just enough to dry it) and store the bud for 7 weeks (the time I'll be away) and then restart it by putting an orange peel in the jars? My other solution would be harvesting at least a week early to give the buds 10 days to cure.
Any help would really be appreciated because I really don't want to harvest early just to cure.


Well-Known Member
Cut it early. It won't be ready to put into jars in 3-4 days. You might come back to some moldy herb.


New Member
yeah the 7 weeks till you get back would defiantly be the problem.
Ive post poned jarring it for a couple weeks before but that was done like 2 weeks after it was cut. I just left it hanging for that time period while i was on vacation. It made the cure longer but it still tasted fine after it was cured.
7 weeks would be a bitch tho man. I feel for ya :(


Active Member
Thanx for the help....anyway I think i didn' expressed myself very well; I'm drying the buds for about 10 days, then I have 3 or 4 days to cure. It is not enough obviously but I thought it could help to let some internal moisture get out.
What I'm asking is, is it ok to pospone the cure, and then restart it with an orange peel 7 weeks later?


New Member
yeah itll be fine to ut it in jars even though you didnt cure it in them right after it was dried. I dont know how much of a cure it will be but it will deffinatly improve the taste a little more than just the green grassy taste it sometimes has right after cutting.