Posting Anonymously?


Well-Known Member
Quick Post here..

I was wondering exactly how safe is posting your questions/progress on the form without risking your anonymous integrity.

Can local law enforcement or internet provider get access to your posting history which could be used against you in court *if shit hit the fan*.

Should I be looking into internet browsing encryption if I want to post full journals.

I have been posting scattered posts for sometime but i have been reluctant to post habitually based on the assumption that I would be compromising my privacy.

Curious to hear what you think..



Well-Known Member
Well I certainly hope my posting is not going to cause me to be beset upon by "The Man". Seems unlikely though that cops would troll pot forums just to try and bust people...
I count more on not getting caught so my internet history is not called into question...
I'm also not sure that they need your internet actions to bust you growing pot...I mean if they catch you growing pot then you are caught growing pot, regardless of what the internet may say.
Quick Post here..

I was wondering exactly how safe is posting your questions/progress on the form without risking your anonymous integrity.

Can local law enforcement or internet provider get access to your posting history which could be used against you in court *if shit hit the fan*.

Should I be looking into internet browsing encryption if I want to post full journals.

I have been posting scattered posts for sometime but i have been reluctant to post habitually based on the assumption that I would be compromising my privacy.

Curious to hear what you think..


The rule of thumb is, law can get their hands on basically anything they want. And on sites like this where everything gets archived. Your ISP could probably tell them you were here along with your search history. Then using the stuff your computer keeps saved for your conveniance like usernames and passwords they could find out who you are and what you posted.

Now back to the archives of the site. If they want to see something that happened a hell of a long time ago they can usually talk to a webmaster and get it..



Well-Known Member
Here's the fact, law enforcement will and can subpeona information from ISP and HOSTS (I know this from personal experience, this has happened with one of my employees), this is usually only initiated if a case against an individual has been filled or is in open investigation. Authorities will most likely NOT start or open a case on an individual from anonymous posts on the internet.

If your really troubled about posting online you can set up a proper anonymous proxy (usually not free, the free ones are ladend and busy) or set up TOR

  • Tor prevents anyone from learning your location or browsing habits.
  • Tor is for web browsers, instant messaging clients, remote logins, and more.
  • Tor is free and open source for Windows, Mac, Linux/Unix, and Android
[h=1]Anonymity Online[/h] Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis.
Download Tor

[h=2]What is Tor?[/h] Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis.



Well-Known Member
I pm'd pot roast and asked him this he replyed and said that he can retrieve the ip addy that u used to register. He sent me a link I'll post when I'm back on a comp. anyway I used the link to track my ip and it placed me 40 miles from my actual location. That put a smile on my face lol


Well-Known Member
Here's the fact, law enforcement will and can subpeona information from ISP and HOSTS (I know this from personal experience, this has happened with one of my employees), this is usually only initiated if a case against an individual has been filled or is in open investigation. Authorities will most likely NOT start or open a case on an individual from anonymous posts on the internet.

If your really troubled about posting online you can set up a proper anonymous proxy (usually not free, the free ones are ladend and busy) or set up TOR

  • Tor prevents anyone from learning your location or browsing habits.
  • Tor is for web browsers, instant messaging clients, remote logins, and more.
  • Tor is free and open source for Windows, Mac, Linux/Unix, and Android
Anonymity Online

Protect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis.
Download Tor

What is Tor?

Tor is free software and an open network that helps you defend against a form of network surveillance that threatens personal freedom and privacy, confidential business activities and relationships, and state security known as traffic analysis.

You are not anonymous from the proxy's perspective. Most new proxy servers saves a log of each IP and requests and a lot of them(transparent proxies) show your real IP to the other side. But for anonymous new proxies, if something really bad happens they could force them to show the logs and then find your IP. Whether or not you are being logged or whatever other action is being taken at that proxy is controlled by whoever manages the proxy.


Active Member
<Freaking The Fuck Out> We're all going to jail man!

... I think I'll have a sandwich.

<Que to baked-induced video infomercial from the mind>
<Blonde bimbo walks on>
"Are you a man facing the prospect of jailtime? What you need, is the AssGrip® Exercise DVD. If done properly, if someone puts their sausage in your bumhole, you can rip it off at the root, thats right, a genuine method of exercise that can turn any mans asshole into a cigar cutter, with 50% extra grip-n-grap potential than the next best corehole routine."

Yours for only 5 payments of $69.95! Remember, its every mans responsibility to protect his shitter.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the info on TOR will definitely look into this!

For the others not to concerned..
Im not saying this out of paranoia but common sense. Wouldn't you want to protect yourself even if the chances of being prosecuted were minimal.
I posted because I would hate to have worked so hard maintaining my stealth persona. To have my progress crashed down upon me because I had made the simple mistake of assuming the forum would carry out my anonymous mentality. I wanted to verify (which I thank the posters) that I could in fact be per sued how ever minuscule the chance may be.

Also if god forbid I would have the long arm of the law down on me for being caught part taking in one of my grows. I wouldn't want to hand my growing history to them in a hand basket and receive multiple counts of marijuana cultivation because I was to arrogant to believe that once I had been caught they would get a warrant to seize my property, if needed for my prosecution, pull up my browsing history and lengthen my charges. But I don't know maybe I over think things.


Active Member
Let common sense guide you grasshoppa, always pays to protect your privacy as much as possible, we're all at risk whatever precautions we take. The police have better things to do than trawl forums looking for work for themselves, the only way they'd really use it is for tracking an existing investigation into big players/growers etc.

If you're just home growing your own etc, spark one up, put your feet up and chill the fuck out bro. :D


Well-Known Member
You are not anonymous from the proxy's perspective. Most new proxy servers saves a log of each IP and requests and a lot of them(transparent proxies) show your real IP to the other side. But for anonymous new proxies, if something really bad happens they could force them to show the logs and then find your IP. Whether or not you are being logged or whatever other action is being taken at that proxy is controlled by whoever manages the proxy.
TOR network is not a proxy, each hop on the network does not contain complete trip information but only knows about the immediate sender and immediate receiver of the data; tracing TOR can be done from a end-to-end attack but this is not realistic for law enforcement agencies UNLESS you happen to be the feds "Next Big Fish"

Also you can have an anoymous proxy that does not provide information to law enforcement, there are still some hosts (and I continue to do business with them to this day), and data service providers that have fully encrypted databases which they cannot decrypt, and/or provide infor to law enforcement.



Well-Known Member
To many people brag on forums. Can't believe shit anyone says. Cops go in expecting to find 10,000 watt grow and find some 15year old living with his grandparents trying to grow pot with a desk lamp.

I wouldn't worry about it. BUT, using encryption is always a good idea, no matter what you're doing online, if you have the means and/or know how to do so.


Well-Known Member
RollupRick you made me laugh!! lets just hope your right! They should minimize the charge of growing a couple plants. Having your own homegrown is better than contributing to marijuana commercialism. And I never understood how the government could suppress a nation from then right to cultivate a product that has been scientifically proven to have many medical advantages, based on the accusation that it alters your state of mind and inebriation is bad for society. When alcohol as much as I love my beer.. In comparison is worse on the Mind, liver, motor skills, addiction tolerance etc.. Blows my fucking mind! Ps. I can drive a car better when I'm high than sober im more attentive, I would't get drunk and hope in my car and drive home..people die everyday from alcohol related accidents. And I'm sure some idiot will find a way to end himself whilst high. But the numbers aren't there not even close.


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot Ru4r! Im downloading the program as we speak unfortunately I have dial up lol...... 3 hours and 33minutes my 35mb download will complete. +rep


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot Ru4r! Im downloading the program as we speak unfortunately I have dial up lol...... 3 hours and 33minutes my 35mb download will complete. +rep
TOR? With dialup? TOR is slow as fuck with broadband, lol. Well, the time it starts to take for a page to start to load takes forever. It's retarded. I imagine it'll be pretty bad with dialup. Just initializing the network will probably take you like, 15 minutes, everytime you open it.

I really don't know though, as I've never used it with dialup... I can imagine though, and what I imagine is not good. lol.


Well-Known Member
Let common sense guide you grasshoppa, always pays to protect your privacy as much as possible, we're all at risk whatever precautions we take. The police have better things to do than trawl forums looking for work for themselves, the only way they'd really use it is for tracking an existing investigation into big players/growers etc.

If you're just home growing your own etc, spark one up, put your feet up and chill the fuck out bro. :D
Exactly. Unless you are talking about selling, distributing etc (which are against the site rules) they don't care about personal use and growing.


Well-Known Member
I've never read such paranoid bullshit. No self respecting law officer is going to give a shit what you post on the internet, that is unless you post your name address and when and where you can be observed smoking weed and cultivating it. And even then you'd probably have to give them money for gas to get there to bust you.


Well-Known Member
LOL well ill tell you if and how long it takes to work with dial up. Bullwinkle chill out because i want to be safe doesn't make me paranoid. I have every right to want to protect myself verbally, physically, and virally. You go through lengths to hide your grows suppress your smells and I'm paranoid for wanting to erase my trace.. lmfao!