posted in the wrong spot..hopefully get some help here


Active Member
these are my 2 plants this year..every year I like to plant two bagseeds and keep them indoors for awhile and then transplant outside..the last 2 years I have failed as 3 resulted in being males and 1 was lost during transplant..any early indications on what sex they are? I have a metal halide lamp that I'm using with one moving fan..any suggestions are appreciated and anything that I should be doing different...also when should I start feeding them..they are both almost one month now

picture one: my favorite picture of plant 1
picture two: another pic of plant 1
picture three and four: plant 2 (best I could get)
picture 5: my setup







Active Member
They look a little streched out, what wattage blub are you using, might want to get rid of the foil a switch to mylar.


New Member
They look like they are not getting enough light. move the light source closer or get a different one.


Active Member
they are both about 1 month old..I looked at my bulb but no signs of wattage on it. It was being used over my computer for awhile so I'm not sure..also, what exactly is mylar?..appreciate everything by the way..can't tell what sex?


Well-Known Member
how do you know its metal halide. those are HID lights

that doesnt look like an HID light

and ur plants are VERY small for 1 month


Active Member
I will show you a picture of my light..from what I have researched it tells me it's metal halide. don't know what to tell you about the size..I have a 18/6 light cycle and water when soil gets dry..have not fed them any nutrients yet because I thought it was too early..anyways if this light is not metal halide please tell me what it is...thanks for all the comments and questions..



Active Member
not sure how to show you guys a picture..already have it uploaded just can't attach anything to this quick reply..ne1 no how?


Active Member
well, I couldn't clear up the mystery of my light so I went out and got a regular florecent light and now I am using far from the lights should my plant's be?..they look the same as the first pictures..should I be feeding them nutes yet? thx


Active Member
okay so it's been about a week since I last updated and since I didn't get any feedback from you guys about my light, like I said I went and got two 60 w flourecent tube lights which are currently being used. it hasn't grown very much in the past week and so I thought maybe it's time to start feeding it's going on it's 4th node of leaves now with each leaf being 3 sided..will update with pics but really hope to get any sort of feedback...thx again