Post Your VICIOUS Pitbulls

smokey green

Active Member
do not try to debate with me on pitbulls son U WILL LOSE!!!!!!! u have been piss and vinegar all fucking nite im tired of reading your bullshit post putting down or trying to correct people
Thats exactly what thedoc is. A son...somebody needs to find out where this little bastard lives n pay him a visit... every thread I visit, I see this idiot making stupid childish remarks... he usually directs insults toward children also....what I wouldnt give to get ahold of this little fuck....The remarks about children are what make me want to kill this prick! he's either a child molester or a kid himself....I literally turn red and think evil thoughts every time I see his posts....errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I am happy that YOU also SEE the error in his ways !
His mom tells me of severe abuse !

Happy 420 to YOU SIR !
May good fortune be yours !


Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I didn't realize I was that good. Would anyone else like to stroke my ego?
Come on buddy .... that was so predictable .... you are not communicating with 12 year old girls ....
I know you can do better than that !!

Your mother is good !


Well-Known Member
First day back and I have another victim obsessed with me. You should be taking notes.
Notes on how to be a dumbass?

Yer at the bottom of the bell curve kid.
Good news for you though. Yer young and have time to learn.
The School of Hard Knocks has a way of rejecting tards like you.



Well-Known Member
I know what lil docs problem is.

Since his mommy did not give him enough time on her teat,
I'll let you dream of these lil one.




Chicago Gooner

Active Member
Don't be a dick, I didn't find a GSD dedicated thread. Maybe not a pitbull but it'd easily bite your balls off within seconds.


Well-Known Member
there's a "what kind of dogs do stoners like" thread

and i wasnt trying to be a dick, lighten up, sarcasm doesnt make me an asshole.

*idea- make a gsd specific thread like this one is for PITBULLS


New Member
I know what lil docs problem is.

Since his mommy did not give him enough time on her teat,
I'll let you dream of these lil one.


That's cool if you're into 40 year olds who can shake the fat under their arms more than their tits. But as they say, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and I'm sure that is subjectively appealing to you.


Active Member
my dog doesnt like smoke but if he likes the smell of ur bag and it dumps out on the floor it will b SOL or ur gna b following the little motha fucker around for a week with a bag lol, well i saw that in a movie once haha.


Well-Known Member
I agree with u all but seems like none of u have the "blue" pittbull... I think its a grey pit with inherited agressiveness...


Active Member
I agree with u all but seems like none of u have the "blue" pittbull... I think its a grey pit with inherited agressiveness...
Blue pit never heard of that, ive heard of red nosed pits and forgot the other name what are they just more aggressive


Active Member

Nevermind just did a lil research there real beauties but i wonder what i difference is i can tell there not red nosed


Well-Known Member

Nevermind just did a lil research there real beauties but i wonder what i difference is i can tell there not red nosed
hahaha yup thats what happens when someone new shows up


Active Member
mine has lue nose in him his mom is blue nose his dad red nose and he can b a little jerk but he is yng and playful and knows whos boss and thats how u got to b with them show them love and who is the alpha male and whats ok and not. He is def a ;ap dog and loves me with all his heart i feel bad to not have him next to me cuz ik hes sad everytime i leave.



Active Member
mine has lue nose in him his mom is blue nose his dad red nose and he can b a little jerk but he is yng and playful and knows whos boss and thats how u got to b with them show them love and who is the alpha male and whats ok and not. He is def a ;ap dog and loves me with all his heart i feel bad to not have him next to me cuz ik hes sad everytime i leave.
Another Pit That looks identical to mine. How old is your looks about a few years younger than mines i think 7 or 8. I just love the tan and white dogs always have.