post your smoking utensil

enjoy your super dooper blunt:joint:

im probably gonna pass out from that shit. i smoked a half oz of AK/G13 on halloween and watched Saw, but were putting more then that itself in the super blunt, and were all gonna get baked and watch Saw 2. :mrgreen:

and then i get to drive home.

im probably gonna pass out from that shit. i smoked a half oz of AK/G13 on halloween and watched Saw, but were putting more then that itself in the super blunt, and were all gonna get baked and watch Saw 2. :mrgreen:

and then i get to drive home.


lol and you wonder why you dont have weed all the time :mrgreen:
im probably gonna pass out from that shit. i smoked a half oz of AK/G13 on halloween and watched Saw, but were putting more then that itself in the super blunt, and were all gonna get baked and watch Saw 2. :mrgreen:

and then i get to drive home.


sounds like a hoot! wish i could join in, saw marathon for the win!!! ima smoke some has and watch requiem for a dream tonight:blsmoke: oh and take a xanax hehe
sounds like a hoot! wish i could join in, saw marathon for the win!!! ima smoke some has and watch requiem for a dream tonight:blsmoke: oh and take a xanax hehe

i love that movie =) i'm gonna get way scared probably as i don't do good with scary movies lol. but i just CANT look away!!! haha so i hide behind my sleeve or put my head into my pillow haha..
i love that movie =) i'm gonna get way scared probably as i don't do good with scary movies lol. but i just CANT look away!!! haha so i hide behind my sleeve or put my head into my pillow haha..

lol dont be scared;) yeah i love that movie too:blsmoke: great movie! well you enjoy your self Aliex;) dont get tooooo scared or much higher J/k:mrgreen:
lol dont be scared;) yeah i love that movie too:blsmoke: great movie! well you enjoy your self Aliex;) dont get tooooo scared or much higher J/k:mrgreen:

i didn't even get to watch it, but it took an hour and a half for the super blunt, i took a picture, i got to hold the dro and when i cupped my hands, they were FILLED to the top of my hands and the blunt wrap was huge! it was me and one other girl and like 5 guys but it was the shit, and then i lost my keys and somehow ended up in my guy friends car when he took us for a ride but i was so high i forgot that we had gone somewhere and yeah lol it was a fucked up night, but was sooooo fun!

it looks small in the picture, but it was actually really big


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I can't post pics because my camera is busted, I can tell you guys that I was rolling around the other day with something like 50 hand rolled joints in my pocket. hooray for California!